ENPC anyone?

Specialties Pediatric


Specializes in Pediatrics, Mother/Baby, some NICU.

Just curious if anyone has taken this. As a Peds nurse we were required to take PALS and NRP. But now we are going to take ENPC instead of NRP. Has anyone taken this and do you have any advice? I've heard it's really hard and makes PALS look like BLS. Just curious what you guys did to get through it...

I took ENPC with only a couple of years experience as a NICU nurse. I learned a lot, but the class is definitely doable if you study the material beforehand. Now I teach ENPC. Our students are mostly ER nurses, but I've seen adult ICU and pedi floor nurses do fine with it as well.

In particular, you might look at the assessment process suggested in the text. Having that organized assessment process will help you out a lot when you get to the Management of the Ill or Injured Child station.

Could you explain what ENPC is exactly? I just became a pediatric nurse working in the EMU and I've heard of PALS but not ENPC.

Specializes in picu.

I actually found it the other way around. I had PALS approx 2 years before ENPC, I found that I learned way more in PALS, and ENPC was kinda redundant and not as useful. Maybe thats because I work PICU and not pre-hospital like the course seemed to be geared towards. It's definitley not bad to have, just don't get yourself all worked up over it. However, I do not think it is a good substitute for NRP.

Could you explain what ENPC is exactly? I just became a pediatric nurse working in the EMU and I've heard of PALS but not ENPC.

It's the Emergency Nursing Pediatric Course.

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