

Just a question for a better understanding: I can endorse from my state to any other state for endorsing my license there, I just have to meet the endorsement requirements, if not, I can't. Right?

So what happens, if a complaint or even a penalty is filed after endorsement on one license? The license in the other state is still clear?

Would be good to know, thank you!

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Complaints & discipline will follow you between states. You must self report to the BoN where your "clear" license is or risk additional discipline and possible loss of license. Hence why upon renewal and application you are ask if any professional license or certification has a complaint or discipline against it.

Nursys is a national license database nearly every state BoN participates in that is supposed to include all investigations/discipline

But if upon application my license is clear and later something is coming up? Do I need to report in any case? Or just on renewal and/or application?

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Report sooner rather than later. I wouldn't wait for renewal. Most nurse practice acts require immediate notification if action is taken against your license in another state.

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