Endometriosis in the breast?


Wondering if I should seek the advice of another Dr. or if this one is right on.

For a few years now I've been having pain just under my right breast. I discovered a pea sized knot there a couple of years ago, had an US (neg) had a mam (neg). Dr. said it was endometriosis.

It's now moved into the lower part of my left breast. I should also add that the pain is more severe with the onset of my cycle. It also radiates out to just under my armpits.

Should I accept the diagnosis of endometriosis or seek advice elsewhere?

I would get a second opinion, but I don't think that it is impossible for endometriosis to pop up there.

We used to have a young gal who had it in her lungs. I'd only thought it affected to lower pelvic organs, but that taught me otherwise.

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

For your own peace of mind, you need to seek out the opinion/advice of your PCP - either the one you have or seek a second opinion.

Yes, endometriosis can be anywhere in the body.

Good luck.

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