Endo Labs - For Nerds Only? Must be Techie?

Nurses General Nursing


I had a chance for an interview as an RN in the Endo Dept. Small hospital but big dept. I was asked half a dozen times if I was a "gaget" person. The interviewers indicated the many gaget like equipment available and the nurse must trouble shoot frequently. Also its all computerized where the dept. I am now in is but not the charting part.

I am excited to potentially accept this job offer but I am so so with electronics.

What do you all think? Is a Gen X'er, nerd winner of the year the right person. I have strong nursing assessment etc. strenghts. Will I be biting off more than I can chew?

I don't think so. Troubleshooting equipment means making sure all the connections are made, all the lights work, and computer stuff. You will not be expected to take a screwdriver and pliers and try to reconnect wires. If it's something that you cannot fix without repair equipment, then you would be expected to call Biomed.

Specializes in home health, neuro, palliative care.

Can you visit the dept. and scope things out? Look around and talk to the other nurses. They should be able to tell you what is expected. Ask what "troubleshoot" means to them.


(Oh, and FYI, we are geeks, not nerds :specs:)

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