End of year stats

Specialties School


Hi everyone,

I have just completed my first year as a school nurse and really love it. I kept a spreadsheet all year of my visits and we have a general end of year summary sheet for each office but I'd like to create a new one. Could you share what method your schools/offices use to keep your stats? (i.e. total visits, incident reports, meds etc)

Thank you!


Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

my charting software can print a report. Though i've never been asked for those stats since i've been here.

Specializes in Telemetry, Womens Health.

Hi Missi! I am in Ohio here and the schools in my district are required to submit an End of Year Report.

Included in this report are:

#children with nonprescription meds

#children with prescription meds

#children on daily meds

Vision screening numbers. Breakdown by grade # done/# referred

Hearing: same as vision

Monthly tally visits for students: For example: August 210/200. That would mean we saw 210 kids and 200 of them stayed in school.

Then we would have a section on how many diabetics, asthma, food allergies, epi pens, seizures, orthopedic devices, hearing aides/cochlear implants.

Then the last section is Detailed description of what we did this year in the clinic. We have to be detailed because in Ohio we don't have a strong school health program and we have to justify our time in order to keep us employed.

Hope this helps!


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