Published Dec 8, 2010
382 Posts
I'm currently doing my pre-reqs for my school's nursing program (hoping to start clinicals spring 2012 or fall 2012) and I work as a CNA on a surgical floor in a hospital. I would love love LOVE eventually to be an ED tech and eventually an RN in the ER. Would it make sense for me to take an EMT basic class? My school offers it and I could easily fit it in...I'm just wondering if you think it would help my career goals or not make much of a difference? Any advice would be great =)
69 Posts
I would do it because it's fun. :) I am a former paramedic, and my certification lapsed so I am taking an EMT class next spring.
Thanks! Yeah I think it seems a lot of fun too and something I would really enjoy. I love being a CNA but I've always wanted to get into emergency medicine
15 Posts
As an EMT-B preparing to turn Nurse, I'd say it's an excellent way to see if it's a branch of medicine that's a good fit for you.
ImThatGuy, BSN, RN
2,139 Posts
I took it ten years ago, and then I went through paramedic school a year later. Now, I'm in a BSN program after getting a B.S. in general science seven years ago and doing things unrelated to medicine.
I'd say do it. It's not "hard" although the National Registry exam will prepare you for the NCLEX if you go through nursing. The National Registry exam is not easy, but it's definitely passable because so many of us have done it. The EMT curriculum is going to be very focused on specific injuries, illnesses, etc. However, you're taught, generall, in a much better way. As a whole EMTs are able to act without having to stand around and consider the situation given their scope of practice. I think it's a rewarding experience, and I merely took the class out of personal interest because I'm an advocate of self-preparedness.
Do it and good luck.