Employer/Employee Relationship In Nursing


Hello :),

I am currently doing a project on power and communication in Nursing. My part of the project focuses on the employer/employee relationship aspect and I'm hoping to gain some insight from current RN's on the subject matter in this post. Below I have created a survey and an additional information section.

Thanks for looking and participating. =]

For questions 1-20, rate on a scale of 1 to 5 on how you feel about the question being asked. Feel free to elaborate beside the number you chose on why you feel the way you do if necessary.

Rating scale of survey:

* Strongly agree : 1

* Agree : 2

*Neutral : 3

* Disagree : 4

* Strongly disagree : 5


1.) I feel that I can talk to my manager/supervisor when needed.

2.) I believe I am treated fairly by my manager/supervisor at work.

3.) Managers/supervisors use positive feedback for me as an employee.

4.) Work is delegated appropriately where I am employed.

Compensations and benefits

5.) My employer has clear policies related to bonuses, salaries, and raises.

6.) I believe my employer pays me in a fair manner for the job I do.

7.) My employer maintains a competitive pay and benefits package.

8.) My fellow employees believe they are being paid fairly.

Employee Recognition

9.) My employer recognizes it's employees for good work performance.

10.) My workplace recognizes a "employee of the month" for a job well done.

Working Conditions

11.) My workload where I am employed is reasonable.

12.) I have a good balance between where I work any my personal life.

My Workplace

13.) My employer pays careful attention to employee suggestions.

14.) I can trust what my employer tells me.

15.) My employer always communicates about changes or decisions that affect employees.

16.) Overall, I consider my healthcare employer a good company to work for.

Career Development

17.) I received adequate training where I am employed.

18.) My employer is helping me to grow as a professional.

19.) I have a clearly established career path where I am employed.

20.) I have many opportunities to learn and grow where I work.

Additional Comments:

Thank you for your inquiry!

Specializes in critical care, PACU.

Rating scale of survey:

* Strongly agree : 1

* Agree : 2

*Neutral : 3

* Disagree : 4

* Strongly disagree : 5


1.) I feel that I can talk to my manager/supervisor when needed. 1

2.) I believe I am treated fairly by my manager/supervisor at work. 1

3.) Managers/supervisors use positive feedback for me as an employee. 1

4.) Work is delegated appropriately where I am employed. 2

Compensations and benefits

5.) My employer has clear policies related to bonuses, salaries, and raises. 1

6.) I believe my employer pays me in a fair manner for the job I do. 3

7.) My employer maintains a competitive pay and benefits package. 2

8.) My fellow employees believe they are being paid fairly. 2

Employee Recognition

9.) My employer recognizes it's employees for good work performance. 1

10.) My workplace recognizes a "employee of the month" for a job well done. 1

Working Conditions

11.) My workload where I am employed is reasonable. 3

12.) I have a good balance between where I work any my personal life. 1

My Workplace

13.) My employer pays careful attention to employee suggestions. 1

14.) I can trust what my employer tells me. 1

15.) My employer always communicates about changes or decisions that affect employees. 2

16.) Overall, I consider my healthcare employer a good company to work for. 1

Career Development

17.) I received adequate training where I am employed. 1

18.) My employer is helping me to grow as a professional. 1

19.) I have a clearly established career path where I am employed. 3

20.) I have many opportunities to learn and grow where I work. 1

Additional Comments:

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