Emory Nurse Residency Summer/Fall 2014

U.S.A. Georgia


Hey everyone! I started this thread so we can comment, give advice, and track the application and interview process!!!

Hey guys, just wondering, when you applied to the program did you submit cover letter along with your resume?

Not needed. Told by HR. Did not submit

Hey guys, just wondering, when you applied to the program did you submit cover letter along with your resume?

I did submit a cover letter with my resume when I applied to Emory's Residency Program. But I think it's a personal choice in this case and not necessarily a requirement. The application we filled out did not require or request us to do so. If I remember correctly, it gave us the option to upload one if we wanted to. During our last semester of nursing school we were taught by our professors that it is part of the professional process to submit one. It gives you the opportunity to tell them a little about yourself, your experience, and what you are looking for. From the employers point of view maybe it helps them determine whether you are what they are looking for and whether or not you'd be a good fit for the unit. It's kind of like the hook in a song, a good cover letter makes them look further into your resume and determine whether they want to talk with you more by bringing you in for an interview. Whether you did or didn't submit one I think you will be fine either way.:up:

I just create a Facebook page for this residency, I just added two of friends who already got in. Feel free to join and talk, discuss any question. Just search "New Grad Nursing Residency at Emory Healthcare". It will be easier to talk on Fb page than here..

All fellas, just confirmed by Emory HR. all of you who are waiting for the offer will receive the offer letter in the next week. Exciting?

@mgfam, when you mean offer, is that an offer after the interview for a position? just curious. and thanks for sharing!

Thank you mgfam for all your help. I hope they are still calling for interviews, however, I already applied again for October and March residency. :unsure:

@mgfam, when you mean offer, is that an offer after the interview for a position? just curious. and thanks for sharing!

yes, that's what I mean.

Thank you mgfam for all your help. I hope they are still calling for interviews, however, I already applied again for October and March residency. :unsure:

Just curios, what units you applied?

thanks! still waiting for an interview, hoping after my board tomorrow!

Just curios, what units you applied?

I applied to medical, surgical and cardiac.

I applied to medical, surgical and cardiac.

floor or ICU?

thanks! still waiting for an interview, hoping after my board tomorrow!

Tiantiannnnn, wish you good luck tomorrow!

The Georgia Board of Nursing system is down for the last two weeks, I called them so many times and they said that there is nothing they can do until they fix the problem, everything is pending for me…..

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