Emory Fall 09

U.S.A. Georgia


Is anyone applying or have applied to Emory for the Fall 09 Semester. I have read in other threads from a couple of years ago that if you apply in November that you can here if you are accepted in January. Is that true? I have applied for the second degree program.

Yeah so I just went back and checked the application just to make sure and I found it: BSN/MSN Segue applicants must

"Undergo an interview conducted in the fall semester of the senior year of the BSN program, prior to the transition into the MSN program the following fall."

So there's no need to freak out just yet! lol

I passed the MAT, but I still don't know if it's good enough. lol I got a 415 and that put me in the 73rd percentile. I would have retaken it, but I didn't have enough time. The MAT is basically the verbal section of the GRE. There's 120 analogies (although 20 of them are experimental questions and do not count). The test is 60 minutes long. I studied with a prep book for about a month, but I just felt like it didn't help all that much. I felt like it tested me on everything I had ever learned in life! lol It wasn't bad though. I just overthought some of the questions and ended up running out of time, so I had to just bubble the last few in.

I'm from Shreveport, LA. (I'm sure you've never heard of it before. lol!!) However, I went to school in New Orleans. I just graduated from the University of New Orleans in December with a BS in Psychology. I feel like I have a pretty decent GPA (about a 3.5) and a 4.0 in my major. I did a lot of volunteer work and had a great internship so I'm hoping all of this is enough for me to earn a spot in the class!

Random sidenote: So I mailed off my application package during the last week of December. I called about a week and a half later just to be sure that they had gotten it, and the lady who I spoke with actually had my application in her hand! She was reading my LORs! I think I had a minor panic attack when she said that! lol

Anyway good luck everyone! I hope we all get in!

Seems like you applied for the BSN/MSN. I just want to get in the BSN. I hope we all get in.

Good luck to you all. I hear we would be hearing from them by February 16th so fingers crossed.

will anyone who has already made it in allow me to read their admission essay? I am also applying to fall 09...

Thanks again LaBrittany! I must've completely glossed over that part of the app! Ok I'm so glad I didn't take the MAT test now. I'm way better at math than verbal so that probably would've killed me and any chance at getting in too haha. Your GPA is awesome! You sound like a very well qualified candidate.

Good luck to us all! Here's to hoping we'll be seeing each other in the fall!

I applied to the BSN/MSN program. Have anyone heard anything yet? When are we suppose to get decisions?

when did you submit your app?

End of December

I submitted my app for the BSN/MSN day after xmas, but my last recommender didn't submit her rec online until the first week of Jan. I haven't heard anything besides financial aid stuff, but odooma mentioned above that we should be hearing around the 16th of Feb.

I haven't heard anything yet either but when I checked OPUS I noticed I was assigned a campus e-mail address. Do you think that's a good sign? Has anyone else noticed this?

I don't have one :( But I'm assuming that must be a good sign, otherwise why would you need one? I remember reading on some other threads that people noticed links to pay their deposit before they got their acceptances, so maybe the email is a sign of good news to come!

I don't know what to think but this wait is killing me! :bugeyes:

Me too!!! I just found out that decisions for Penn will be posted online on Friday at 3pm and I'm so nervous! It'll be my first decision out of the three schools I applied to. I'm already anticipating the worst though... maybe it'll lessen the blow of rejection.

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