Published Jan 24, 2009
2 Posts
Hello! I am a nursing student and we are being tested on fluid electrolyte imbalances. Does anyone have a good way to remember the differences in hypo and hyper when dealing with elecrolytes. I have been studying so hard and it is all blending together. Thanks!
49 Posts
Mag acts like a sedative - and think muscles first. so with hypermagnesemia you might see decreased LOC, dec muscle tone (weak, flaccid) and decreased DTR's (deep tendon reflexes)
Be aware of swallowing problems bc the esophagus is a smooth muscle
And also be aware of Arrhythmias bc the heart is also a muscle.
Watch the respiratory rate as well
I just had a Hurst review session - and we went over this
pagandeva2000, LPN
7,984 Posts
Also, consider magnesium and calcium to be "twins"...too much mag and calcium sedate, and too little causes tetany...they both have similar symptoms.
15 Posts
I am also being tested over electrolytes next week and this is what helps me:
first think about what that electrolyte does for you - ex. when I think of calcium I think of conduction like for muscles and neurons, so when there is too much of it (hyper) you experience over excitement of muscles and neurons and then think about what that will do to your body...and I did that with the rest of the electrolytes and it has helped me. Hope this helps!