Ebola Preparedness Nursing Survey Results

allnurses.com surveyed the members regarding their opinions about Ebola preparedness. Here are the results as well as several articles that were published last week. Thanks for participating and letting your voices be heard. Nurses Announcements Archive


We just want to thank the 3000+ of you nurses who participated in the Ebola Preparedness survey! The Nurses' voices have been heard! The results of the survey have been shared with millions across the country through the media as Brian Short RN, founder of allnurses.com, participated in several interviews this past week following the allnurses.com survey. Now we are sharing the detailed results with you.

We've worked hard to get the voices of "real nurses" out there - Your voices. The results of the survey clearly reflect the opinions of, not only allnurses.com members, but all nurses everywhere. You can be nursing advocates and make an impact.

Brian Short, RN said:
"The main thing that we can take away: nurses understand the risks that come with their job. They're willing to do their job, but they need the proper equipment and proper training to do the job effectively and safely."

Keep reading for the survey results!

Ebola Preparedness Survey - October 9, 2014

In a survey of more than 3,000 nurses across the country, more than 70% say they are unprepared to deal with the Ebola crisis. The survey was conducted by allnurses.com after a nurse contracted the disease in Texas from contact with an infected patient.

Press coverage featuring the allnurses.com Ebola Preparedness Survey and your voices.

When Ebola Enters the Workplace

wall-street-journal.jpg.ef85a6ac0daf0d15274668c9ab5266db.jpg October 14, 2014 - Issues around communication, training and pay are cropping up as leaders try to quell fears while making sure they will be adequately staffed if infected patients come to their facilities. Be sure to watch the video which also refers to the survey.

Majority of Nurses, Front Line Health Workers Don't Feel Ready for Ebola

med-city-news.jpg.c02d68321619c5089ce48596a29aa513.jpg October 14, 2014 - Responding almost immediately to the news of the Dallas nurse who contracted Ebola, nurses across the country are adding to the growing chorus of concern over how hospitals and front-line healthcare workers deal with any possible exposure. The "vast majority" of nurses nationwide "don't feel prepared or safe" for treating any such patient, according to a recent survey of 3,000 nurses from allnurses.com.

Ebola and Hospitals: How Great is the Threat?

medpage-today.jpg.2bca99abd1c5b0fbb8e0ccd2be8a0250.jpg October 15, 2014 - Many healthcare workers, especially nurses, have expressed concern about their safety when treating Ebola patients. allnurses.com, took a survey of 3,000 nurses and 74% said they didn't feel safe or prepared to deal with a potential Ebola outbreak or patient, and 73% said their hospital hadn't provided them with training to handle a patient infected with Ebola."I'm sure that's going to raise the anxiety of the healthcare workers now."

American nurses lack the most important protection from Ebola: training

quartz.jpg.a5476b55ae9593447f6c70bb398d673a.jpg October 16, 2014 - As people around the world try to assess the danger of Ebola, it's particularly disconcerting to hear that health workers--who one might presume are knowledgeable enough to protect themselves from transmission--are failing to do so because they do not have the proper training or equipment.

Quotes from our members regarding the survey' outreach and impact:

tokmom said:
"We are all in this together because it's all we have. The news media and facilities are quick to blame the nurse. Well, lets get the TRUTH out there."
LadyFree28 said:
"Nurses get to speak! This is WONDERFUL news and an important unity to have the media focus on what nurses actually do and face; unfortunately, it had to a take an infectious disease to show how a percentage of hospitals only care about the bottom line and are not up to par. I hope we, as nurses, can keep pushing these issues to the forefront beyond Ebola, and effectively make change, we owe it to ourselves and our patients."
nursel56 said:
"Allnurses is by far the best place to take the pulse (haha) of the nursing community as a whole. My own feeling...sure reporters go ahead and call the ANA but we're the real voice of nursing!"
1KoolRN said:
"It's about time nurses are respected and regarded as having a powerful impact on the health and safety of our country."

There will be a follow-up survey this week. As this crisis continues, we want to hear from you as we continually strive to be a means by which the voices of nurses can be heard and make a difference in the Ebola crisis as well as other important issues to come.

Detailed survey results from 3,201 participants...

Do you feel prepared to deal with a potential Ebola outbreak or patient?


What would be the most helpful to you in dealing with the threat or reality of Ebola?


Has your hospital or healthcare facility addressed the issue or provided training to you and other nurses?


As a nurse, do you feel safe with the unfolding Ebola situation?


What state do you practice in? (please choose other at bottom of list if outside the US)


Are you surprised by any of the results?

What Ebola questions would be good for future surveys?

The survey results were very helpful in determining the needs that nurses have regarding adequate training that leads to self-efficacy in caring for the Ebola patient.

I believe that simulated training for selected healthcare providers designated to care for EVD patients helps to minimize risk potentials, and provides protection for the community and members of the medical field. Simulation enables adult learners to obtain skills,competencies, knowledge, or behaviors by becoming involved in situations that mimic real life (Gilley, 2004). Simulation training for designated teams can instill confidence and greater willingness to engage in care delivery and strengthen operational public health skills for controlling and containing the outbreak (Ragazzoni et al., 2015, p. 3). This type of training is designed to increase staff safety and create a safe, realistic environment in which healthcare providers can gain required skills and self-efficacy. The goals are to accomplish complex task-performance behaviors and receive objective feedback prior to taking on the risk of caring for the patient with EVD (Ragazzoni etal., 2015).

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