dumb question: do have to take the WOCNCB immediately after being WOCN certified?


Hello All

I have the question from the cheap seats, I'm enrolling in a WOCN course for late spring/early summer and I'm hoping to get a job as a wound care nurse something by fall (hoping!!)

My question is that if I take the WOCN course, do I immediately have to sit for the WOCNCB exam? Or is it one of those things where I work as a WOCN first and then sit for it after a couple of years of experience?

You will take it right away. I guess it is possible to get hired on the condition that you take it within 6 to 12 months, but most jobs want the certification at the time of hire.

Not a dumb question. But when you say "do I have to", do you mean from an employer standpoint, or the certification board?

From the certificate board standpoint, it looks like you have 5 years to take the exam after finishing your course work. (I would not recommend this)

Eligibility | Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing Certification Board

From an employer standpoint it all depends on the employer. I imagine most would expect that you would be taking it within a few months of finishing your program.

From a practical standpoint... job or no job, I recommend taking the exam soon after you finish the program. The information will be fresh and it will make you more marketable.

Hope this helps!

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