Duke vs ECU


Hi Everyone,

I'm in a position to make a choice between Duke or ECU nurse anesthesia programs. I would have to move to attend ECU (the physical move would not be a big cost to me). I would love to stay where I am for quality of life factors however I am very drawn to the small class size and quality control ECU is able to offer with more individual attention. Even staying where I'm at, Duke has so many clinical sites I won't be home as much and I'm very aware I won't get to do the things I enjoy like I do now. It may be equivalent to being thrown in Greenville. Cost is obviously a huge difference between the programs but is not "the" determining factor, though it is a consideration.

I just want the best experience and want any help I can get in making this decision. If any of you are in this situation, I would love to hear why you've chosen your program as I compare options. This is a tough subject but thanks for your input!

Hey. I'm sort of in the same situation. Do you mind if I ask, what did you decide?

By reading your post, it seems like ECU might be the better fit for you. There is no "right" or "wrong" choice between the two schools. They will both give you a great education and offer great clinical experiences! It's all a matter of what you prefer as far as class size, travel, etc. Although you would have to move if you went to to ECU, with Duke it sounds like with all the clinical sites, you would be moving around too. Go with what you feel like is the best fit for you... not what is the most convenient or cost-efficient. Ultimately, you have to be happy with what you choose for the next two years! CRNA school is hard enough as it is, you don't need the added stress of feeling like you picked the wrong school. Good luck with your decision- I'm sure whatever you decide will offer you a great experience! :)

I went with Duke and I'm not looking back! Definitely a super tough choice. I really admire ECU's program and director but this would ultimately be the easier transition for me.

Good for you! C-ya in class!

I was trying to decide between a school I got accepted to in Florida and Duke. I decided to go with Duke. The Duke faculty seemed to really care about the success of their students. The class size at Duke is also much smaller than the one in Orlando (26 compared to 60-70--hence their higher attrition rate). As far as clinicals go, I think that going to different clinical sites will better prepare us when we are ready to graduate. We will have had to step out of our comfort zones for each clinical rotation and that will give us confidence in applying anywhere afterward.

Specializes in CT-ICU.

Plus, I like how Duke's program is integrated, meaning into the OR's 2nd semester and getting more hands on exp. I learn better when I'm applying the reading knowledge to actual hands on practice, which is one of the reasons why I chose Duke over ECU. Don't get me wrong, ECU has a fantastic program (great facilities, and wonderful staff), but for me, Duke was a better fit.

I originally went with Duke but I changed my mind last week and will be heading to ECU in January. I feel like the two are very comparable programs with very supportive faculty. The more I thought about it, ECU is just a better fit for me personally. It was definitely hard turning down Duke though! Good luck to all of you!

Hi Jonesie,

I'll be making my way to ECU in January as well. I attempted to PM you, but I don't meet the requirements to do so :(. I'm excited / nervous to get started. Question. Are you doing anything to prepare? I'm taking an online theory course, but I feel like I should be reading or studying something. Is it just me? Current SRNAs have told me to enjoy life before starting school. Still, I can't help but to feel that I could be getting a headstart. In the meantime, I'm so excited that I've found someone in my cohort.

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