Duke ABSN Spring 2011

U.S.A. North Carolina


Hi there-

My name is Sandy and I am applying to the Duke ABSN for Spring 2011, just wondering if there is anyone else out there applying? Only 2 months till the deadline and I am trying to get my personal statement finished, as well as spiffy up my resume!

I think I am anxious already! This may be a long ride!

Anyway....a little about me...

I have a BS in Environmental Management with a 3.73 GPA, didn't take the GRE, still working on the prerequisites but so far have a 4.0 in those classes.

I spent 10 years in the Navy, working as an aviation electronics technician and supervisor. Also did hazardous material control and other environmental stuff for my command. I also taught CPR for 5 or so years, as well as blood drive coordination. I was able to travel to a lot of neat places, and some that weren't! All-in-all it was a great experience for me. After leaving the military in late 2007, I worked for a semi-conductor company in RTP, doing research and development (not my favorite job). So, I decided to go to school for massage therapy, and I'm now a licensed therapist. So, that makes me something like 34 years young.

So, here I am....wanting to pursue a dream that I have had for long time! Thankfully I have the world's greatest husband! He is my rock and has encouraged me to take this leap! So let's do this!

I'm waiting for you! Hopefully someone will be here soon to go crazy in anticipation with me! :)

I'd like to add to NCEMT's comments about traffic - play it safe, because per Murphy's Law it'll be the morning you need to be somewhere important that there's a snarl in traffic on one of the loops. It did seem like they intended the 8:30-9am slot for check-in and eating breakfast, so it's a nice buffer.

Good luck to everyone!!!

Yay! I'm here at Dunkin Donuts. See you all soon!

Good luck to everyone today! You are going to love it and feel so welcome! :dncgbby:

Mailbox stalking will begin Monday, Aug 9th @ 8:00am... I know they won't tell us until the next week, but I will check like a madwoman anyways!!

Everyone who was at Duke today--- be sure to let us know how it went!

Also, did they give any hint that we might hear before the 16th? ooooh, wishful thinking...

I hope the day went well for everyone!

now everyone is just waiting around to hear back =/

I am reading the final chapter in my HAP book. I can't believe this class is almost over! It sure did make the summer go by fast, but I'm ready for a break

I keep day dreaming about Duke and keep taking breaks to check this forum.

I hope everybody on here gets in


I hope we all get in as well. I'm done summer classes and almost wish they didn't end until next week so they could keep me busy until we find out LOL! All I think about is Duke and I am nervous!! I really have my heart set on this program!

I asked my magic 8 ball if I would get in and it said "yes"! HA HA!! :yeah: Here's hoping it's right!!

oh man I wish I still had my magic 8 ball...it dried up years ago and we tossed it =/

*10 days* !!!

Hi guys! Wow! Yesterday was amazing. I loved every second....except maybe the financial aid part, which made me nervous-lol. Anyway, you guys were right! I thought the interviews were the most fun part of the day! M&S were so super nice!!! It was honestly just PERFECT. There were so many amazing applicants that of course I am nervous, but it feels good to have done all that I could do. And now- we wait...

so who keeps checking their emails and online application?

I am:o

I know it's way too early in the week....

BUT we have a week to go!!!!

how is everyone holding up?

Oh Spring! I am obsessively checking status and emails! I almost passed out when I got that Financial aid email. Did everyone get that?

I finished my finals today and have NOTHING to do for week but dwell on DUKE! I am going to drive everyone insane!

I am also obsessively checking! I'm not sure how long I can take this!

I think I'm going to go and check last year's threads to see the date people started hearing! lol

I work from home and this week I'm expecting my work-motivtion level to be approximately 0. My Duke obsession level however is about 100!

I think I've checked at least 5 times today....the only reason I didn't check more is because I wasn't near a computer and my cell phone internet was being flaky! Every time I check, my heart starts racing!! I wonder if they have decided what day the admissions committee is going to meet?

Monday down...no results...bring on Tuesday! :cool: We got this! My manic side will not win!

PaintedSky, what was the financial aid email about?

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