
U.S.A. California


Not a great note to start out on. I have been a nurse for nearly 2 years now. I love what I do but got carried away in my celebrations recently and was arrested for a DUI. Does anyone know what my legal obligation is regarding reporting a DUI to employer and the BRN. I am mostly concerned with loosing my licence and job or both.


Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

questions we seem to be encountering more and more often have to do with the effects of a criminal history on nursing licensure:

  • is it possible to become licensed as a nurse if you have a criminal history?
  • is it possible to become licensed as a nurse if you have a dui or other related charges?
  • what happens if you are charged or convicted of a crime after licensure?
  • can i go to nursing school and/or be licensed if my record has been sealed or expunged?

these are questions that the members of allnurses.com cannot answer. the only reliable source of information is your state board of nursing.

please refer to this thread for other information:

nursing licensure with a criminal history

good luck.

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