Published Jan 26, 2004
9 Posts
Am presently in a nursing program in california and hold a valid LPT license. My current DL has been suspended due to DUI violations. I just recently completed an I/p etoh program and presently in recovery. am concern that these violations will prevent me from getting my RN license. I still have about a year and half to go toward my license. Has anyone been in a similar situation or can refer me to whatever. All feedback would be greatly appreciated.
manna, BSN, RN
2,038 Posts
I think the general rule of thumb with these types of questions is to check with your state board of nursing! :)
georgia peaches
57 Posts
I can speak for the experience of myself and of 2 classmates who just graduated, and what we found out.
In Florida, you must disclose ANY criminal record, including DUI, prior to licensing. A background check is included in the cost of applying for licensure.
Anything greater than 5 years ago is pretty much ignored, with the only caveat being if you failed to report the incident prior to application. The BON *WILL* find out, and you will *NEVER EVER* be licensed in Florida if you lie.
For those with more recent records, each case is evaluated individually. The worst-case scenario (other than denial of licensure) involves participating in a type of 'monitoring' program in which probationary licensure is granted, but with routine follow-up meetings with the board and the stipulation of no further difficulties. After a period of time (which varies between individuals, but commonly 1-2 years), full licensure may be instated.
The BON does not try to make licensure any more difficult than is necessary, but they do have a duty to keep medical professionals with active substance abuse problems from practicing.
The only experience that any of us had was with a single incident - I would presume that multiple incidences would be looked at with considerably more attention.
I don't know if any of this helps or not. It was a primary concern of mine prior to beginning nursing school, and worried me up until I actually received my license - even though it was over 17 years ago when I was a much younger pup that I made a VERY POOR decision to drive home after a party. I offer the above with the understanding that it applies to Florida only. Every state is different, and I only mean to share what it is like here, and just for the instances of which I have had exposure.
Bottom line: Check with your state BON to get specifics, and try not to get too discouraged. It has been my experience that we all have something in our pasts that we aren't particularly proud of. Best of luck in tackling the future one day at a time!
20,964 Posts
Originally posted by tursiopsfl Bottom line: Check with your state BON to get specifics, and try not to get too discouraged. It has been my experience that we all have something in our pasts that we aren't particularly proud of. Best of luck in tackling the future one day at a time! John
Just follow the bottom line.Any other advice you receive above and beyond that is not likely to help much. The BON is where you need to get answers. NOT here.