Published Aug 15, 2010
1 Post
Hello Everyone,
I was released from the army and recently began smoking marijuana in order to help my insomnia. Unfortunately, it's illegal in the state that I live in but it is the only thing that works. I would love to apply to Manchester Community College's nursing program in hopes of becoming an RN. So I'm wondering if MCC drug tests it's nursing students for marijuana? I, in no way, endorse the use of illegal marijuana use but in my case, it has been medicinal. Please, any advice would be greatly appreciated as I'd like to begin school ASAP. Thank you
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,275 Posts
This is not something we can answer - please take it up with the school. And...even if the school doesn't drug test, somewhere along your career path, you will be tested.