Dropped out for two quarter! Have to find online classes

Nurses General Nursing


Hello Allnurses Community,

Well, today I went to the University to dropout for this fall. I didn't want to do it, but I had no choice. I have some incompleted ("I" grades) that I need to concentrate on before I can go further with my goals of becoming a BSN Nurse. I am also a single mom of eight children. My 12 and 14 year old have been giving me so many problems. I just don't know what to do. I had summer classes this passed session and I failed one of the my last classes before my Nursing program. I just couldn't concentrate. My two boys take total advantage of me, coming home at about 10pm every night. :scrying: I want so bad to make a better life for us, but it seems that they just don't like to listen to my rules. I really never had any problems with the other children. I just don't know what to do. I have to finish school. My current job is not cutting it. I wanted to know if anyone knew of any online university that offer they physiology class this fall. I have to have it completed by December to make the January deadline. I have taken Anatomy, but I just need the physiology part. I need something for this fall. I really need to do this online. I am also really looking into online work. I want to work @ home for a while. Any advice anyone? Thank you Carla

OMG.....I think at school I comment about folks like you everyday. I have a great GPA, and school is very easy for me. Reason? I am single. I do not work, I have nothing else to do besides school. I have no excuses.

You? Single mom!! EIGHT kids!!!! Working!! Plus going to school?

I say that single moms are heroes.

God Bless single moms.

I tell my kids to focus on improving themselves, in education or whatever they decide to do. I admire people like you that have a clear focus of what they would like to do in life. I have made a lot of bad choices in my life, but I will continue to go forward. I am grateful that I am living. Thank you for replying to my post. Carla


Let me clarify.....

I have a hard time believing that there is anyone in this world that has made more mistakes in life than me!!!

I am the poster boy for the "He made a lot of dumb moves" website.

Clear focus? I am 45 years old and I seesaw evryday about what I want to do when i grow up.

All I meant by pointing at myself in my current situation is to show that I have no excuses. I was not meaning to paint myself in any position of superiority...in fact quite the contrary.....

Just wanted to clear that up a bit.

You come across as being an awesome person!!! Your kids are lucky to have you!!

I hate to quote a confirmed psychopath, but...

"That which does not kill you will make you stronger..."

I just recently turned 44! I am sorry if I came across in the wrong way. I just wanted you to know that you maintaining good grades in school show great focus and determination. I admire that. I am still trying to find out if Nursing is the right career for me. I just don't know. Are you in Nursing School?

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