Drexel ACE fall 2015

U.S.A. Pennsylvania


Hi all!

I just submitted my application for Drexels ACE fall 2015 program and was curious if anyone else has applied or heard back from admissions?

I have a 3.1 cGPA and around a 3.4 sGPA, is this considered competitive with past applicants?

Also, how is everyone planing on paying for this-I understand it's pretty pricey and aid packages aren't close to covering it...

Best of luck!

for those who are still waiting to hear back, just thought i would let folks know that i heard back (and got in!). i was one of the ones who had to send in my fall grades before a decision was made, so it looks like they are getting through the applications to start this fall. i've decided to go to johns hopkins so will be declining the offer from , so hopefully that will open up a spot for someone else. good luck everyone!

Congrats on both acceptances!!!.. Would you mind sharing your stats from undergrad and what prereqs you had done in the fall and gpa? Just to give a better idea of who they are accepting right now? Thanks!

Congrats on both acceptances!!!.. Would you mind sharing your stats from undergrad and what prereqs you had done in the fall and gpa? Just to give a better idea of who they are accepting right now? Thanks!

thanks! my original undergrad gpa was 2.98, but with the prereqs i have done (stats, a&p 1, micro, chem, and nutrition) i brought that up to a 3.35. my prereq gpa by itself is 3.7. i also have a masters gpa of 3.74.

I got accepted to the fall 2015 and I am seriously considering going :)

I applied to in late January (late, I know but there are rolling admissions). I will have a bachelors in psychology, minor in biology when I graduate in May. Did anyone else have a late application and hear back yet?

I am wondering the same! I applied late and its unlikely I will get in since I am taking pre reqs this semester but hoping for a miracle!

Do you know anyone else who applied? I was told it was rolling admissions and that the class was not yet full when I applied. I also have no idea what the class size is, so who knows!

I know somebody who applied early and got in! I have spoken with several people in admissions who say they are still accepting applications. I would need to take classes in the summer to finish my pre reqs so I doubt I'll be admitted cause it seems like they base a majority of the decision on pre reqs! If you hear anything let me know, good luck!

The only pre-req I'm missing is Nutrition which I feel like it shouldn't be that big of a deal since all of my core sciences are done with high grades.

Thank you, good luck to you too! Hopefully we'll be classmates in the fall!!

Good news/bad news: I was removed from the wait-list, unfortunately I wasn't accepted for admission. Good Luck to everyone, I think ACE is a great program and I wish good luck to all the students starting this fall!

Tylernicole have you heard anything from ?

The only pre-req I'm missing is Nutrition which I feel like it shouldn't be that big of a deal since all of my core sciences are done with high grades.

Thank you, good luck to you too! Hopefully we'll be classmates in the fall!!

Yes, I was accepted last Monday!

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