Drama at the Medical Center/School


Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).

Although I took my last formal academic class in 1991 and retired from nursing in 2020, I regularly have work or school dreams.



I worked with Steve regularly as an LPN in surgery back in the '80's. He and I were good friends for years but drifted apart when I resigned from that hospital.


This portion of the dream was probably inspired by a hotshot tech who taught a CPI class and relayed information which was not congruent with state laws and statutes.



This portion of the dream was probably inspired by my rooster personality where I always looked after my hens.



Possibly inspired by the dangers nurses got involved in work.

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).


At work, I regularly felt left out on a ledge and needed to call for assistance, otherwise I was up the creek without a paddle.


Before working with me in surgery, Steve worked at another hospital in a bhsy CCU.




Your guess is as good as mine.


By this time, I tired of illustrating this dream. Basically, I got back to the medical center where the class was being held and found out I was late. The class was blown off, but I wondered if I had attended enough to get credit.


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