DOWNSTATE in Brooklyn, NY

Nursing Students General Students


HEY ! I was just looking at Downstates requirements for the rn - bsn program. It says you need 12 credits in Humanities/Social Sciences? Would French, a psychology course, anthropology course, and an art course fit in that category? Thanks.

those are all cinsidered humanities courses. However so is theatre and I have 2 courses in theatre that I "A"-ced. - Not sure if they'll take them though. Call the department and ask, they're good with answering questions re: admissions info.

Good luck! - and post back here to let us know what their response is.


Specializes in Pediatric Pulmonology and Allergy.
HEY ! I was just looking at Downstates requirements for the rn - bsn program. It says you need 12 credits in Humanities/Social Sciences? Would French, a psychology course, anthropology course, and an art course fit in that category? Thanks.

French and art would qualify. Psychology and Anthropology are both requirements, and I don't think they allow overlap of credits, so you would need an additional 8 humanities credits on top of those.

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