Douglas Psyc Winter 2018


Hello all!

Who is all apart of the Winter 2018 Douglas BSPN cohort?

did you also apply for fall 2017? I got in for fall, but i have a couple friends who got in for jan 2018.

sorrry on the delay!

i did also apply for fall, however my last semester of foundations was winter 2017....

One of my friend's friends got into fall 2017 after being accepted into winter 2018 last week. I believe she finished the semester before you though.

What made you want to go into the psych nursing program at douglas?

I applied for Fall 2017 and was put on the waitlist! Honestly, General Nursing has always been my interest, until doing Psych courses at Douglas. Mental Health is so underlooked and in my opinion it is a good area of Nursing for hours and full time job availability after graduation (from what Ive heard)... I've also been accepted to Langara for Jan 2018.... but was ultimatley holding out for Douglas BSN.

Still on the fence... but Psych nursing is what I want to do, just unsure if doimg RN and working in mental health would be wiser...

How about yourself? Why did you chose Psych?

I chose psych because I and many of my family members have been affected my mental health disorders and if it weren't for the great doctors and nurses I had I wouldn't be were I am today. As far as General vs Psych you will be able to find a psych position more easily with the BSPN vs the BSN. Both programs teach psych and med surge (obviously the psych you get more psych and gen you get more med surge), but beginning practice for psych nurses is in psych and for general nurses is in med surge. I will probably go back one day to to get my RN (UBC, KPU, UFV and VCC have bridging programs) to open up more job opportunities later on in life, but for me right now the BSPN program is my dream program and the first step in obtaining my dream job!

Thank you for sharing that Dcarter94, alot of me is in a similar boat motive wise....

Is it just me or does the restructure of this program appear heavy and intimidating in the first few semesters? Seems like a bucket load of credits for one semester :S

It does seem a little daunting, but it used to be that the very last semester during your preceptor-ship you had like 2 or 3 other courses on top of that. I would rather have a heavy course load earlier than later so I like the restructured outline better lol

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