Published Jun 16, 2006
22 Posts
I am going to be a senoir in high school next year, but am thinking about going into nursing. I want to go to a 4 year university and go into the health care field. I am thinking of getting a BSN, as nursing provides a reasonable salary and has excellenat(sp) job opppurtunities. However psychology also really interests me, have any of you taken a double major with a BS in nursing and a minor in psychology?How was it? Take into mind I am going to be 18, no family,no job, live on campus, its not to much to take on is it?
In the long run what I'm looking at is either getting my masters in nursing and become a CRNA, or going the other route and getting either my masters and/or PhD in psychology. However I do not know which direction to go in, so wouldn't it make sense to double major in them during my fist years of schooling?
Thanks for any advice/opionions!
llg, PhD, RN
13,469 Posts
I think getting a double-major is a great idea -- and wish more nurses would do that. It would strengthen our profession.
Many years ago, I flirted with a double major (in political science) as an undergraduate. In the end, I didn't take the last couple of courses I needed for the 2nd major, but that's OK. I realized I didn't want a career in political science or to go to law school and I "let it go."
Good luck to you in your studies,
443 Posts
I am glad you started this thread. I am curious too. My school offers a bachelors in Health Care Management. I have some of the credits towards this and could (with a little more work) graduate with a double bachelors, a BSN and in Health Care Management. Is there any advantage??
534 Posts
ooh yea! i am a double major. i started out using psych as a minor/backup plan. once i got into the nursing program i realized that i had only a few psych classes left to get a second degree that could be spread out over three years.
psychology is my passion, nursing my chosen profession.
i plan on pursing my PhD in clinical psychology. I am also working as a research assistant in a biological psychology lab. it all ties together rather nicely.