Published Sep 5, 2009
169 Posts
I always forget how many digits after the decimal to round to when calculating dosages. I know that if it has to to with kg you always round to the tenth place, correct? But when you are rounding anything else, like when the problem asks you how many tablets are needed if A and B are true (just an example), what place do you round to? The hundredth or the thousandth?
238 Posts
I'm a brand new nursing student, so maybe I don't know what I'm talking about, but I would say it depends. With meds, don't you have to take practicalities into account? For instance, you might be able to give 1.5 tablets (if they'e scored), but I don't see how you could give accurately give 1.75 tablets or anything other amount that involves more than one decimal place.
For liquids wouldn't it be fair to say that whole numbers would be needed (for oral meds where we're talking at least several mL) or at the most one decimal point (for small quantities that can be drawn up in a syringe, which would have accurate markings).
If the question is asking how many mcg, mg, or g of a med, that's different, and I believe it might vary according to instructor preference. If there is a "default" I would go with rounding to the hundredth, but then some teachers wouldn't want that and are happy with one decimal place. With some medications, like digoxin, you might want to consider rounding to the thousandth, if your answer was appropriate for that--0.125 mg springs to mind.
That's my and given my (lack of ) experience, that's about all it's worth.
Hope somebody else weighs in.
42 Posts
Ok so you round everything to the tenth place except: (ex: 1.2, or 0.5)
If less than 1 ml you round to the nearest hundredths (ex: 0.25 ml)
Less than 1 mg round to the thousandths (ex: 0.257 mg)
Grains if less than 1 grain round to thousandths too.
gtts and units round the nearest whole number
Capsules round to nearest whole number (cant break capsules)
Tablets that are scored may be rounded to :yeah:the nearest 1/2 tab, or 1/4 tab if scored twice:heartbeat