Does my schedule sound like it's too much?


I'm a bio/bsn major but the bio is not for a career it's because undergrad classes are cheaper so I want to take advantage of it, it doesn't cost any extra since I'm full time status, and I like the science labs, and I want to be in the honors program for it (there's no honors for the nursing at my school).

But I'm not sure how I'll be with gen chem. I already took a health care chem (a survey of inorganic, organic, and biochem) and it didn't come too easy but I like it. Gen chem is going to be a lot harder though. I prefer orgo much better to gen and have a hard time with the math.

Here is my schedule for fall:

statistics M/W 9:30-10:45

Intro to patient care across the lifespan Tues 9:30-11:15

Foundations of professional nursing Tues 12:30-3

Intro to patient care clinical/lab Thurs 8-1

Women and Gender (required gen ed) online (supposed to be easy)

Gen chem I Tues/Thur 4-5:40

Lab Wed night 7-9:50

Can you guys who have taken any nursing classes yet let me know if this is really unrealistic?

I work as a dog walker/sitter so that's easy at least.

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