Published Aug 10, 2005
784 Posts
One of the things that I miss from my "pre nursing" classes (A&P, Microbiology et) is access to many, many practice questions for examinations. In Physiology, for example between the Study Guide and old examinations that the teacher made available we had access to many hundreds of practice questions for each examination. It always amazed me that no matter how many times I had read the chapters (usually two or three times) and studied the notes from lecture there was at least 10% that I would never have learned, but for the practice questions with their explanations (it's was almost like I didn't know, what I didn't know until I did the questions). The point is that this is largely lacking in nursing school. Of course I do the ten or so questions at the end of each chapter, and the other 20 to 30 included in the Study Guide, but it doesn't come anywhere close to what I would like to be able to access ( and I think it explains in part why I'm stuck at about 90% rather than the 98%+ I was able to achieve in the other courses).
Does a product exist which would allow me to receive questions with explanations in a specific enough manner to be useful during Nursing School? I have used several NCLEX prep books, and while these questions are useful they tend to be too general to be highly useful for nursing school test preperation (plus the difficulty level seems to be easier than most of the questions on our examinations). If such a product doesn't exist do you think one could be designed? I'm thinking of something where the user could specify in a highly specific manner (enough to be able to customize to their individual nursing school classes) both the subject matter and question difficulty level . Perhaps, the program could even link each question with specific review material to assist the student struggling with that specific concept. Basically, I'm looking for something that would help to "level the playing field" for all of the BSN/ADN nursing students (myself included) who feel somewhat overwhelmed by the extreme amount of material on each examination. I'm sure that some will say "stop being anal retentive dweeb and rejoice in your 90%" (a "B" at my school). However, such a tool would also be useful for the student who is striving to obtain a 78% rather than 77% (78% being the minimum passing grade in these parts) or the one who needs to get the 84% for their B- so that they keep their nursing scholarship (indeed, I have known several people who lost their nursing scholarships for just that reason).
20,964 Posts
If the product does not exist, I see you have a great idea to capitalize on.
and no, i know of no such product sorry.