Does CA BRN Disclose Your Address to the Public?


Hello everyone!

I hope you are all having a lovely day.

My license is expiring and I was on their website to renew it. When I came across the page that asked me to verify my address, I noticed that on the bottom of the page, it says "Please note, the 'Address of Record' will be disclosed to the public."

After searching on the BRN's website, I found this: 'Your name and address listed on this application will be disclosed to the public upon request if and when you become licensed.'

It's on all the applications for all types of nursing specialties; from CNS to NP to PHN.


Out of curiosity, does the CA BRN actually reveal your address to the public? When I was on the DCA BreEZe page to verify licenses, I didn't find any listed addresses when I searched for my name. Does it mean that the BRN will release your address to law enforcement or just anyone who is requesting for your information?

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you all continue have a beautiful day! :D

I am looking for this info as well? any fresh eyes that can answer?

Unfortunately, this is true. For every application form on the BRN website, if you scroll down to the bottom of the document, there is a page called Information Collection and Access. You'll see, about 3/4 down the page, "Your name and address listed on this application will be disclosed to the public upon request if and when you become licensed."

This was brought up with the head of the BRN during the recent RN Day at the Capitol on Apr 3, but the issue was swept under the rug. It is a big problem, considering violence against healthcare workers. Feel free to bring the issue up with your professional organization (ie. ANA/C).

I just noticed the same. At least the information is not freely displayed on the page. So the question is, how strict is the BRN with giving out addresses upon request?

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