Published Jul 25, 2007
22 Posts
just wondering if anyone has heard if jeff state might start a part-time program at the shelby campus once the new building is complete? i live in alabaster and the drive up to the main campus at night is not something i'm looking forward to.
thanks for your help!
289 Posts
I thought they already have a part time program there. Most of the class are done at St. Vincents not at campus.
Thats what I originally thought. I went to orientation last Thursday and classes are going to be at The Jeff State on Carson Road and clinicals won't be at the St. Vincent's I thought. They'll be at Medical Center East which I believe is now called St. Vincent's East. Three nights a week this semester. It's inconvenient for me, but if I have to do it, I have to do it. Just thought if they were going to start offering a part-time at Shelby, I might post-pone.
Thats interesting..wonder why things changed. I did hear from a friend of mine that in one of her classes a few girls where doing the part time program at Shelby and they were saying that they had not had any clinical experience yet and they were already half way through the semester.
One reason why I opted to go the Full time route. If I hear anything Ill post.
Good Luck
Yeah....I'm starting to wonder if I should have done the full-time program at Shelby instead. I have two kids (6 and 9) and wasn't sure if I could handle the full-time or not. Let me know if you hear anything....Thanks!
You could do it. I have three kids (9,7,4 ) They took 54 this time into the Full Time program and the points were the same..180.
Have you taken all the pre reqs yet?
Yeah.....I've got everything done except the nursing classes. I had all 200 points too. Is full time from 8-5 Monday-Friday?? How are you doing it with three kids??
Class is Monday 8-3, Tues 8-11:00, Wed 8:30-10:30, and either Thrus or Fri for clinicals which we dont start till Oct but will go to lab before from 8 till 3( but I have been told by some of my friend already in that we wont be there till 3 either of those days more like 1-2ish)
We have many people that are taking English and A & P 1 this semester along with Nur classes.
I have my husband take my kids to school and Ill be home when there done :) If it turns out that Im in school till 3 Ill get a babysitter to help me out for an hr or so.
You would have been able to do it! I think you should apply for the full time program for Spring term.
Let me know if I can help ya out any way!
The hours aren't as bad as I thought they would be. My problem would be getting the kids to school in the morning. My husband couldn't do it for me. I would have to drop them off early I guess...and try to make it to school by 8:00am. I live in Alabaster.....traffic is awful in the A.M.
You probably already know that.
You must not need a lot of sleep...3 kids and school...with all the studying you'll be doing.........I wish you lots of luck. I wish I knew
I could do it.
Thanks so much for your help and advice.
Im not familiar with the traffic in Alabaster. I drive 20 mins to get to the campus. At my kids school they can be dropped off at 7:15 if need be. But my husband drops 2 of them off around 7:40 then takes my youngest to her school. I have her in early morning care at our church till her preschool starts.
I know that nusring school is going to be tuff and I will have to give up a few things...sleep, cleaning the house, social gatherings...but I know this is a dream I have been wanting to fullfil for 7 years and Im finally doing it! It wont last long and will be so worth it :)
There is always a way..dont give up!! You can do it. Believe in yourself :)
Good Luck! I hope it all works out for you!!
Thanks for your kind words. I'm going to think about it hard for the next few days. Hopefully, the answer on what to do will come to me.
Good luck to you...I'm sure you'll do great. You've got the drive to succeed it sounds like.
One last you know where your clinicals will be? Are they
usually at a certain hospital or do you have a clue yet?
Thanks again!
We start Clinicals in Oct and they said that some will go to UAB, Shelby, and Brookwood. WE only go one day a week and its randomly picked which day you go( Thrus or Fri ) They also said that you can swap with someone in class.