Do you think a general neuroscience unit is a good place for a new grad RN to start??

Specialties Neuro


Specializes in neuro, tele.

I recently resigned from my first nursing job on a neuroscience ICU. I was in way over my head with that job and realized that it was not a good fit and that I need to get my feet wet on a med-surg unit. Anyway, my boss pulled some strings and I interviewed with the manager from the neuroscience (med-surg) unit at the same hospital the other day. I got a very good vibe from this unit and will be shadowing there next week. I'm really hoping that this unit will be a good fit for me as a new grad. Anyone start out on a general neuro unit as a new grad? Would you recommend it? Thanks

Specializes in MICU, neuro, orthotrauma.

That's where I started and it can definitely be done.

Yes yes!! I love my neuro unit. We're neuro/med-surg/progressive and I really like it. I was terrified at first because I felt like I was in a nursing home..LOL..but now I really enjoy my job. There are days, trust me, but you will get tons of great experience while not being totally over your head. Good luck!

Specializes in neuro, tele.

Thanks for the replies. After shadowing on the neuroscience unit I realized that it is a much better fit for me as a new grad. I started orienting this week and and so happy I made the switch


Hey AJ as long as you keep dedidacated to your patient and continue doing research its all going to turn out great. I started out in a neuro ICU and continue to be in one. Just wait till you assist in an emergency ventryculostomy its the best.

Specializes in BICU, STICU, SICU, CCU, NSICU, CTICU....

So do you like Neuro Med/surg? is it a better fit for you?

Specializes in neuro, tele.

Yes! Totally feel that the neuro unit is a better fit for least for right now. I just finished my orientation and started on my own this week and so far things have gone pretty good. Thank you for asking :cheers:

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