Published Sep 27, 2005
Marie_LPN, RN, LPN, RN
12,126 Posts
I belong to 3 nursing organizations that are LPN-related, one is specialty-related. I wasn't a member of these organizations before i got this job (heh, no cash). I'm wondering if it's to my benefit or not to make this known?
875 Posts
Unless you belong to some very unusual nursing association, I can see no reason to hide it from your employer. In fact, if you are actively attending local chapter meetings, or getting CE from these organizations, I think it would be a plus on your annual review. It shows you are actively interested in learning more about your profession.
I wasn't thinking of hiding it, i just wasn't sure if i should go out of the way to let them know that i belong to organizations or not.
I haven't checked for their latest CE's. I figure if i ask for time off to go to a CE then they'll find out lol.
14 Posts
I belong to a trade Union (UNISON) and find it is generally useful to let an employer know about my membership as they generally have a healthy respect for a large and powerful union like that.
Are there nursing trade unions in the US?