Published Feb 6, 2017
2 Posts
I've been an LPN in Florida since June of 2015. I worked in a corrections facility for a year and then left for personal reasons regarding the corrections staff. Luckily I was able to find a job quickly in a physical rehabilitation center in less than a month. I was very eager to start my new job, mainly because I wanted to get over my dislike of working with older and elderly adults. While I accomplished this, I now face dealing with horrible supervisors and their lack of professionalism and dealing with legitimate issues. For the last six months, I've really been struggling, continuously asking myself if I still want to be a nurse.
I love being a nurse and I'm currently in the BSN program and my end goal is to become a psychiatric nurse practitioner. I just don't know how much more of this I can take. I don't want to leave this job and run the risk of not having one and going in debt while I'm in school but I don't want to burn myself out or, God forbid, quit nursing all together.
Has anyone been in this situation before? Thanks in advance.
38,333 Posts
You will be in a better position to find better employment once you have a BSN and can sign RN after your name. Hang on if this job works with your school schedule. Look for something better while you are hanging on, hopefully a job where they will keep you once you are an RN.
754 Posts
Breathe. Then take another breath. Visualize yourself where you want to be in ten years. And realize your current job is temporary, and helps you pay the bills while in school. Not many people love their job waiting on snobs in college to pay the bills, but they realize it's temporary and helps attain their goals. You'll have a lot more options to consider after your BSN (and further school). In the meantime, if you have quite a length to the end of your BSN, you may consider other options. I'm not familiar with Florida, but here L(P)Ns work in many substance facilities, some inpatient psych, minute clinic kinda places, etc.