Do I take the class over again?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Okay first off I want to say this ahead so not one thinks I'm just here complaining about my situation cause I'm not. I am a freshman in college and when I started my first semester towards becoming a nurse I did not exactly plan accordingly. I decided to take one of the most important classes for nursing school during the summer semester along with another class. Anatomy and Physiology part one is the class I am talking about along with medical terminology. Medical terminology was not as hard as I thought it was cause I ended up with a 97% overall in the class but its the AP1 that I am worried about. During the time of taking this course in the summer semester I was working full-time at the fire department and taking care of my grandpa who came down with Alzheimer's. I did not get the proper studying I needed for this course cause instead of it being a 4 month course it ended up being only a month and a half course due to summer semester but Im a new college student and I didn't think about this honestly. Well long story short I only have a C in this class right now and the only way for me to get a B in this class is for me to basically ace this final exam. Of course I am going to study as hard as i can and try as hard as I can but who knows. I am currently thinking that if I end up with a C in this class that I should just retake it and do it over again cause I am worried that this will effect my GPA so much. I know I shouldn't be thinking about this but my long term goal is to get into nurse practitioner school and I am worried that this one C will lower my GPA so much and prevent me from getting in since this class is the foundation of nursing school. The reason why I am struggling in this class so much is not cause I am "dumb" but rather cause I went through a lot during this one semester. I lost my uncle, I crashed my car and it ended up getting totaled so I am without a car, My job fired me cause they didn't want to work around my schooling and I am also dealing with grandpa who has Alzheimer's. Before all this I had a low B in the class but the day before my exam I had to withdraw from the class cause my job was forcing me to come into work that day and I couldn't afford to miss the exam so it forced me to withdraw. The worse part was I got fired that next day and luckily the teacher aloud me to come back into the class but I was not thinking clearly and I should of just withdraw cause I just didn't feel prepared enough to finish the course and get the grade I wanted. Well I stayed in and I had only one day to study for the next exam which was all the muscles and how they function. I only got a 75 on the test which brought down my grade to a C and now I have to get basically a high 90 on this final exam just to make it to a B. I am currently at 289 points out of 400 for a B. Its such a crappy feeling cause I know I'm smarter than this but I can't use any of this as an excuse for my poor grades in this class.

My question to you all is do I retake this course for the upcoming semester to try and save my GPA or do I move on and do better in AP2? I know this is basically the meat before nursing school and thats what is bothering me so much. I hate it cause this makes me feel like crap honestly. Sorry if this sounded like complaining cause that was not my intention. I was just trying to insight on what do do from past nurses and current nurses. Thanks Everyone!

I just wanted to say congratulations on getting your B. I know it is not the A that you wanted, but I am so glad that despite some unforeseen events you were able to to finish with a B+! Keep working hard and do what is best for you. I hope your future semesters are less stressful.


Congratulations on your B! I am 34 years old & my heart goes out to you. Some people conveniently forget how it was being young & having unfortunate circumstances hit you. I remember when I 1st started taking courses, by the way I consider myself to be a very smart individual, I was being hit left & right with death after death in my family. I literally broke down after my Grandmother passed away suddenly. It wasn't that I "bit off more than I could chew", I just didn't foresee that I had some unexpected, devastating life altering events in my future. I went into Respiratory Care & finished with my Associates degree. I recently finished my Bachelors this past May at the top of the University. I now have 3 degrees & I won't stop until my mother's wall is lined with degrees & I'm satisfied. Keep your head up, move forward, & it's ok to take criticism ONLY when it's constructive. I wish you all the best in life! May God bless you tremendously!!!!

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