Do I retake my TEAS AGAIN?!


I am freaking out. Freaking out.

I applied to my RN program about a week ago. I scored fair on my TEAS. My school judges your TEAS V score based on overall score, mine was an 81.3

The deadline for my school is this upcoming Tuesday, March the 3rd. At this point in time, all the nursing director will tell me is "Your scores are competitive". That's all I can get from her. I have the option of retaking my TEAS to try to get a higher score before next Tuesday, but if I do that and still don't get accepted, then I wont be able to retake it in the summer during the next application period for Spring of 2016. (I'm applying for Fall of 2015)

So my question is... Should I retake it? I am going crazy here. And I cannot get anymore information from the nursing director. This test has truly exhausted me, and even after taking it, it is still exhausting me! Any advice?

Specializes in PCT, RN.

I would.

You're kind of in the same boat as me, we can only take it twice in a 2-year period. I took my first one last week and am taking my next one towards the end of March.

Your score was good, especially since it placed you in Advanced, but I would suggest taking the other. Do they go by your highest score or your recent score? If they go by the highest, then taking it the second time won't hurt you.

What's the average score at your school? Should show you on your results page for program average.

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