DNP in 2015


Does anyone have any info on the proposed switch to Doctoral training for AP Nursing in 2015? Is this a definite? How will it affect CNM training? Can anyone direct me to a good web site to answer these questions?

I am just beginning a journey toward becoming a Midwife. I had planned on working as an RN for a season until my chioldren were older before finishing Master's work. Now I'm wondering if this proposed change should affect that plan.

Thanks for any input.

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.
Does anyone have any info on the proposed switch to Doctoral training for AP Nursing in 2015? Is this a definite? How will it affect CNM training? Can anyone direct me to a good web site to answer these questions?

I am just beginning a journey toward becoming a Midwife. I had planned on working as an RN for a season until my chioldren were older before finishing Master's work. Now I'm wondering if this proposed change should affect that plan.

Thanks for any input.

Hello, chaundrah,

Here are a couple threads found in the NP forum about the DNP for APNs: from AACN

Here is a position statement from the American College of Nurse-Midwives:

(ACNM) Recognizes that among the variety of educational pathways, the Doctor of Nursing Practice may be one option for some nurse-midwifery programs, but does not support the DNP as a requirement for midwifery education.

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