Published May 26, 2010
12 Posts
after completing my bachelor's in nursing, i have been working as a registered nurse in icu in australia for more than an year. i think now is the time and i am ready to study again so i wanted to do something like 'post-graduate certificate in critical care' ( it is a part-time, distance learning course at many of australian universities, where you have two semester with two subjects in each, totaling up to four subjects). this all sounds sorted out but here is my issue : i want to do such/similar post-graduate certification program in critical care/ intensive care via distance learning from usa ( preferably new jersey) universities. now, i don't know if usa universities have courses like these; if they are called ' post-graduate certificate in critical care' and which are the good nursing universities to do this kind of certification.
need guidance sisters...
appreciate your answer please reply:idea:
UVA Grad Nursing
1,068 Posts
Here in the US, the next stage after the Bachelor's in Nursing would be the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) or the Master of Nursing (MN) -- depending on what a particular school calls the degree. These degrees are specialty-based. The programs in critical care tend to prepare the graduate for advanced certification (Critical Care Clinical Nurse Specialist or Acute Care NP). So if you are looking for a program at a US institution, you should look for one of these two programs that are the focus of the MSN degree.
Certificates here in the US usually completed after the MSN degree. Often a nurse who does a MSN in one area will then complete a Post-Master's certificate in a second area.
32 Posts
Hi AussieRN, not sure if you're still searching for post-bsn options, if you are, here's one given in Canada:
I think I'm enrolling in the spring, looks like a good program!
best of luck ; )
1 Post
HI Journey_bound. Looking to hear update on a few of your posts. Especially Canadian getting licence for Hawaii. thx