Published Jun 18, 2009
1 Post
I just read through this site. I am very discouraged as I keep plugging away towards completing my RN degree next May. I am trying to do all I can to be competitive and to really learn it. I am an A student and a member of PTK. I already have a Bachelors in Health Science, have a part time job teaching health and will complete my RN next May 2010. I got accepted into a SUNY school for my BSN degree for Fall 2010. I also found out this same school has a RN to MSN program. I am excited to have been accepted and to have my goals set. I am currently doing an internship at our local hospital and learning so much. I have read all these posts though listening to so many say how difficult it is to get a job. It is discouraging. I just watched some of my friends graduate but they all had jobs in April, so I was excited for them. Then I feel like I will never get it. They say you never stop learning... maybe the encouragement comes in chunks, just I cant seem to find them lately. I know I have lots more to learn this coming year but it would be nice to feel encouraged more. The intensity of the job of student nurse is very demanding, can anyone help me keep my head up.
I am afraid to relax this summer. I study every night. The salaries that have been posted are very low. Our hospital recruiter told me she starts RN grads at $13 an hour. That is insulting. I am extremely passionate about being a great nurse believe me but I said to myself, you have to be kidding me. She told me that some nurses grads only look at carrot dangled in front of them.
Then she told me to apply for an aid position. I have nothing against aids but I have a bachelors degree already and am working on nursing. I was so discouraged and insulted. I know I will make it but how do you keep smiling through these uneasy times. I will start applying in January and I want to be interview ready and that means, dont laugh please, mental health ready....ready to know how to handle the recruiters. Im sure instructors will help us but does any one else feel this or have some suggestions.
class of 2010
7 Posts
It sounds like you have all the "right stuff" for nursing! I find it hard to believe that there is anyone in the US that can get by paying an RN $13 an hour. I think most hospitals in nevada start grads around $25-$30 an hour. I've been teaching for quite awhile and I think you have a created a very doable education plan. Stick with it, and do your best.The nursing world can always use bright and educated nurses, and you will definitley get a job. I woould contact the career center at your college and see if they can help you create a resume that really reflects your strengths and all of your edcuation. Good Luck!
NurseKitten, MSN, RN
364 Posts
Ah, honey...don't get discouraged. I know how you feel - I'm in a master's program right now that is kicking my tail, but it will be worth it in the end.
The nursing recruiter is going to low-ball you a figure. Shop around - I guarantee there's better out there. If you're in New York, I know they were yanking your chain. There's no way they can pay that.
Keep studying. You may not need the info for the test, but you may need it one day to save a patient's life. This is where being a "study nerd" is a very, very good thing. But take breaks to do something fun. Your sanity depends on it.
You're doing fine, you're in this for the right reasons, and we are very glad to have you in this profession.
Keep talking to us here - come find me via PM anytime, if you just need to vent. *hugs*