Disaster/Pandemic preparedness


I was looking the the other Disaster/Pandemic thread that Florida1 started. She mentioned that after the hurricanes, that they had problems getting basic supplies and food stores were often closed for weeks after the storm.

That concerns me. I wonder in case of disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes and pandemics if the nurses who work in the area have problems like that. I'd be worried about leaving my family if there was no heat or electric. After loosing electric in the ice storms in the Carolinas a few years back, my husband bought us a generator. I try to keep enough gas stored so that I could run that and maybe have an extra tank of gas for getting back and forth to work, if things were shut down. I never want to wait in the cold on those gas lines again; or have to risk driving around to find necessities!

What disasters have you been through? What lessons did you learn about what things would make life easier if it happens again to you? What can we learn from your experience, and how can we prepare for so we dont have to go through th esame problems you did?

Where there any sepcial tricks or issues that came up that helped you at work? Any special problems that nurses in disasters face?

I have a confession- my home first aid kit is pretty anemic right now :) DH burned his hand prety badly at work last week. I hadnt checked my kit in awhile, and was shocked to see how low I was on some stuff. I only had one roll banfage and had to make a run to WallyWorld the next day! If the stores were shut or the roads iced in or otherwise impassible that would have been an issue. Maybe not life threatening- but its a small example of how not being well prepared can be a problem.

I'd have been so embarrased to admit to hubby I couldnt take care of it, or come thru when he needed me to.

What do you do to prepare? I'm going to restock my kit, and get some more OTC stuff to keep on hand too. What else should I be thinking about?


Specializes in Too many to list.

This is a list being distributed to employees by a large department in Florida state government.

Underground Pandemic Preparedness Tips

(hat tip flutrackers/Florida 1)

1. Make a copy of your personal medical history and store it on a thumb drive that you carry on your key ring at all times.

2. Stock up your home with at least a six week supply of bottled water, canned foods, heater meals, and dried foods that you can eat without cooking if necessary.

3. Keep at least $500 in cash, small bills and change, in a safe place in your home for use when ATMs and credit cards won't work.

4. Install a small solar charger for your laptop and for lighting. Keep rechargeable lanterns in the home for additional backup. Keep plenty of extra batteries and a propane powered camp stove handy, too.

5. Maintain an old fashioned land line telephone in your home for use when cell phone service is not available.

6. Stock up on Tamiflu before a pandemic if you can get it. If not able to get Tamiflu, try black elderberry extract, available under the name Sambucol.

7. Keep flu sick relatives isolated from the rest of the family. Designate one family member to be the care giver.

8. Have your employer consider a VPN network to allow employees to telecommute from home during a pandemic.

9. Practice social distancing; avoid public places and crowded stores during flu season. Get a flu shot and a pneumonia shot.

10. Buy a supply of non-scented bleach, alcohol wipes, latex gloves and N95 masks now, before the pandemic hits. These supplies will become impossible to find. Bedpans, OTC flu remedies, paper towels and Kleenex will also be very hard to get.

11. Buy an oxygen concentrator if you can afford one.

12. DO NOT use a vacuum cleaner during a flu outbreak. It just stirs up the virus and puts it back into the air.

13. DO use UV bulbs (with proper shields to avoid eye exposure) for killing flu virus in the air.

14. Change your N95 face mask at least twice per day. Sterilize the used mask in the microwave for three minutes on HIGH.

15. Form a neighborhood group before the pandemic hits. Make plans to check on elderly neighbors and people who live alone. Set up a neighborhood watch program for security. Set up a barter system for trading things between neighbors that will be unavailable through regular sources.


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Anti-inflammatory Drugs and Vaccines


The information relates to findings that our common over-the-counter pain relievers, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Alleve, Tylenol, and the prescription NSAIDs etc.) may dramatically interfere with our body producing the very antibodies that a vaccine is meant to produce.

Specializes in Too many to list.

This is a startling document from the UK. You can draw your own conclusions

as to why this type of planning is necessary:


(hat tip flutrackers/hawkeye)









Specializes in Too many to list.

Urgent: Super Cemetary Site Wanted

I was not sure where to place this article, but decided it falls under planning, sort of...

It certainly is a one of kind type of read.


(hat tip fluwiki)

Councillors in Belfast will have to go back to the drawing board in their desperate search for a new 'super-cemetery'.

... it is absolutely crucial we settle on somewhere and quickly for the development of a cemetery and crematorium can take years."

The existing gravesites at Roselawn will run out within seven years and with cremation now in greater demand, there is pressure for a second crematorium at the site.

In Northern Ireland there are on average around 14,000 deaths each year, with a quarter of that figure falling within the Belfast region.

The urgency of finding another cemetery was underlined in a recent report warning that Belfast could not cope with burials if the province was hit with a bird flu epidemic.

Specializes in Adult/ped/neonatal/ICU/Trauma ER nurse.

Hi! I am new to this post

I went thru Hurricaine Andrew in Miami it was devastated to us, I was working in the pediatric ICU at the moment and we were overloaded with chronic vent in the community(case of electric shut down at home )and unstabled patients/transfer that day .We had our pre hurricaine list post /and post hurricaine list post in advance at the units. All the staff in the pre-hurricaine list got to the hospital 3 hours before the Official National Hurricane Weather hour indicate the bad weather to start with 3 days supply(food,water,clothes etc) to stayed in the hospital.

Events: The electricity shut down in the hospital and the weak generators started,elevators out of order,many nurses lost their home as myself and they will never show up to relieved us after the disaster so we were short of staff for 10 days ,NC nurses arrived thanks God. We were tired, suffering,unable to go home with our families and suffered post traumatic stress sindrome for like 6 months .The only phone working was your own cellular phone keep it full battery before you go to any disaster ,to be used after it.

My learning experience for all of you in the future:

1.The pre and post list for disasters should be real not just sign in as mandatory(Data base/research should be done by the nursing administration in every unit to find out the real situation of every employee at home)to know with how many nurses the hospital really count in any disaster.

2.Many nurses and staff are married to police,fire rescue and MD as others health care (Emergency personnel needed in the street) so they will never show up to your hospital needs due to family and childrens care at home.

3.Many patients in the ER or entire hospital were released before and after the disaster with prescriptions to take home and the community pharmacies were closed. Medication follow up of sick patients were not done to go home with at least 3 days medications. Our Hospital implemented now to make sure all nurses get medications from our pharmacy with a doctor written order before they are released or if the patient is in the ER we will fill the medication with every legal code noted by pharmacy stamp and disaster policy and keep a log in the ER (like pharmacy sticker).

4.Now if we stayed all night awake half of the group go to sleep in a special ward planned in advance like last year ,we sleept in rehab.(8 hours) if possible.

5.After the disaster the National Preparedness Center should be called by the administrator of each hospital and report the personnel needed to be relief by any nursing hospital group near the city or any help out state. We can not work many ours under so much stress is bad liability to us and our career.

6.We were unable to reach our car due to flood and our families unable to get us .National transportation should be in place even with tractor/buses /helicopters or boats for health care personnel to get home.Fuel was a big issue no gasoline ,my hospital implemented after 10pm to get the gas in the near gas station post planned talk with owner batch in hand before filling tank.Just for our hospital with police check up.

7.The A/C was out you need to wear shorts or appropiate clothing to avoid fatigue or cold temp if the disaster is in winter.

8.All the instructions should be placed in writting with boards and the use of the amber alert by the city for everybody to read due to emotional shock and poor attention/retention at the moment like TV Closed captining in every TV in the hospital .Deaf ,Hard of hearing and geriatric as blinds are part of our care as a nurses and the community.

9.Everything else will come quick as food ,water by the army if your state is really prepared.

10.It is a good web side call ER ONE .com and the other to read is Emergency Preparedness for nurses.com you even will learn about Avian flu in it.

My house was ready before the hurricaine by my husband and myself but ruined after it,we moved 45 min from home and it took me one year to get back on my feets.

Any question I can help let me know


10.It is a good web side call ER ONE .com and the other to read is Emergency Preparedness for nurses.com you even will learn about Avian flu in it.

Can you provide a direct link to the referenced web sites?


Specializes in Too many to list.

Financial institutions nationwide are undergoing a 3-week test of a fake flu pandemic


Hundreds of banks and other financial institutions are participating in the largest test of its kind ever conducted to ensure the nation's financial system can keep functioning in case of an outbreak of pandemic flu.

The test began Monday and is scheduled to run for three weeks. More than 2,700 financial institutions have signed up to participate, about five times the number the Treasury Department expected.

One of the biggest challenges financial institutions will face is how to cope with absenteeism. In week one, the Treasury exercise directs the financial organizations to assume that 25 percent of their work force is not coming to work, either because of illness or because of fear of being infected or because they are staying home to take care of children who can't go to school because the schools have closed.

... The 25 percent absentee rate will jump to 49 percent in week two.

Specializes in Adult/ped/neonatal/ICU/Trauma ER nurse.

Ayrmar In Google Just Write :er One then Enter ,you Will See A Full Web Page For Pandemic Preparedness Nationwide .

Specializes in Adult/ped/neonatal/ICU/Trauma ER nurse.



ER ONE then enter

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I suggest pulling up the link and taking a look at some of the supplements attached to this document from a county health dept in Florida.

Florida has opted out of the federal Tamiflu stockpile plan, BTW.


Tacoma/Pierce County Health Department


Pandemic Influenza

Medical Response Model


Triage and Treatment Guidelines


Executive Summary



Estimates of Impact of Pandemic Influenza

Pandemic Severity Index

WHO Global Pandemic Phases/ Federal Government Stages

Triggers to Activate

Medical Coordination

Triage and Treatment Guidelines

Table of Contents

A. Pre-Tier 1 - EMS Respose and Phone Triage

B. Tier 1 - Triage and Outpatient Treatment, and Referral (NEHC)

C. Tier 2 - Alternate Care Facilities (Acute Care Centers)

D. Tier 3 - Hospital Care

Specializes in Too many to list.

Taking a byte out of pandemic flu supply planning:

New software can help separate crisis-prepared from crisis prone

(hat tip PFI/RobT20)


What's troubling to us is that the government is funding development of vaccines but not processes to deliver [the vaccines] to the end users," she said. Federal planners should be working with companies like BD, for example, to supply enough syringes to compensate for unpredictable surges in demand. While it may take six to eight months to develop a vaccine, she noted, it takes 12 to 18 months on average to ramp up production of syringes--from raw materials to customer distribution. "If everyone waits until six months out, it will be too late," she added.

Moreover, BD works with customers a whose demand will strain product availability in the American supply chain. "When we look at this we don't see any one group owning it," she said. "Every link in the chain is necessary. If everybody does a little we'll be able to manage this."

While some industry experts and observers advise against stockpiling product and instead rely on high-frequency distribution programs with contingency plans, Bajars doesn't believe that's realistic.

"We're recommending stockpiling," she said, matter-of-factly. "We'll be better able to accommodate demand if providers are stockpiling now. During a time of extreme crisis, [just-in-time] will fail in the healthcare system. In the face of crises, regular healthcare doesn't stop. People still have babies and heart attacks. And the 'worried well' will show up at the door, too, taking up time and space. So any hiccup in the supply chain with JIT will create problems."

Specializes in Adult/ped/neonatal/ICU/Trauma ER nurse.

indigo girl here you have the email you asked for


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