disallusioned with nursing! psych new grad

Specialties Psychiatric


I have just finished my 8 week new grad psych nursing orientation. I have been extremely lucky that my preceptor is an incredible nurse and human being. He is really the first mentor I have ever had.. and I've told him that he is stuck with me =P

I actually do enjoy working with psych patients and I am pretty good at it. buttttttt There has been some upheaval in the unit.. changes which are well..hostile to nurses..

Taking admissions is now the priority.. yes.. trumping care of the patients you already have!!! Admissions can come whenever they are ready.. med pass.. shift change..not done with your current admit..while your detoxers are moving towards DTs.. whenever..doesnt (&^(*) matter. And they call the (^()&% manager if you delay an admit even if you have a valid reason!!!!! Everyone is overworked.. irritable and stressed. More mistakes are being made. You can practically taste and feel the negativity!!

I recently had a shift where i worked for 13 hours with no breaks!! 10 patients..and two admits.. and i was still chewed out by the AM nurses for not doing enough!!!!! I came home and cried.

The unit was also really vulnerable.. i had 12 patients.. one patient had no admit paperwork completed from day shift (shift change admit), but slept my whole shift because she was combative and was given a ton of ativan (not on her med records btw). One patient was a regular admit.. ok.. my 12th patient rolled in the door at 6am..before shift change at 7am.. my preceptor's patient rolled in the door perfectly at 7am >_<. so day shift.. inherited my passed out patient without paperwork.. and the admit.. i stayed late to complete it was hell..and we would have all been screwed if a had acted or medical emergency. in fact.. think about it.. what sleeping woken out..when rolled in.. just be complicated when last ciwa of detoxer>

i like the theory of nursing.. this job sucks.

i feel ABUSED and EXPLOITED! and I feel like I am betraying my patients who trust me that they are safe and that their needs will be met.

is this what nursing is??? as much as I like caring for patients.. I refuse to be overworked to death.. i'm young and have a bachelor's degree. :banghead: thanks for listening!!!!!


(a joke that was in my mind)

I rate my day a 2/10. I am having active SI. I am having HI against you with a plan. I have voices in my head telling me to quit.. *$*&&( you! LOL

Specializes in behavioral health.

Being the self-imposed authority on Arizona of this thread, I say that rumor is false. =P

Specializes in behavioral health.

hmm and to response to my old thread a year later.. i made it!! I think some things around here are even worse than they were when I started this thread related to lower staffing >_

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