Direct-Entry Interview-Please help! :)


I have an interview this coming Thursday and I am super nervous! I have wanted to go to this school's MEPN for the longest time, and I am so cloI have already come up with a possible list of questions, but I was hoping people can give me some insight into other possible interview questions, specifically for MEPN programs?



The questions are basic...I bet you already have them on your list! My number one piece of advice for the actual interview is to know why you want to be whatever kind of NP you want to be, and be able to articulate that very solidly. It seems basic, but it really isn't. I used to get really choked on the "Why do you want to be a midwife?" question. Not because I didn't know the answer, but because it was something that was very hard to put into concrete, coherent, and precise words. Basically, I had a million and one reasons, and my answer was never as articulate as I am! I would practice your answer. Not in a rote-memorization way, but in a self defined life mission kind of way...if that makes sense?

There will be many other do you handle stress...what's the most stressful thing you've ever encountered and how'd you handle it...what are your coping mechanisms...what difficulties do you expect and what plans do you have in place to deal with them if they arise?

I was asked a lot of questions, but my interview was unususally long (and wonderful).

I also reccomend that you re-read your admissions essay in case they ask you about things the you've written, and just to make sure that what you claimed your #1 interest and experiences to be are what you reiterate in your interview because, after all, they are asking you to interview based on what your paper application presented! Hopefully who you presented yourself to be is exactly who you are!

Good luck!


Specializes in Not specified.

It would also be useful to determine the format of the interview. Group interviews usually require you to demonstrate your ability to speak coherently in front of a group. You may find yourself speaking one on one with a single faculty member or a whole panel of faculty. Be prepared for any possibility.

The interview will be a group interview with 3-4 other people and 3 faculty members. I think they will be asking 2 general questions and then give us a healthcare senario and we would have to say what we would do in that situation. So, I'm kind of concerned about the senario question, I'm not sure if they will be hosptial based senarios or general healthcare senarios. I dont have that much exeperince working in hospitials. My healthcare experience comes from working in clinics.

I'm glad you said something about the type of interview romie! I would have never guessed that an interview would be with 3 or 4 other students and 3 faculty members...

Maybe this type of interview will also be to see how well you communicate with a group of students...listen to others when they are speaking and be confident when you offer suggestions, would be my additional advice!

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