dimensional analysis saved my life

Nursing Students General Students


hi everyone!

i would say this is one of the happiest days of my life as a nursing student! its the 2nd week of school ,2nd sem of nursing school and with all the confusion of who is going to be our instructor for clinical(got changed 3x),to what hospital were going to have our clinical at,what unit.etc! omg what a a week!

at first we thought we would be taking our drug calc on tuesday (last week) then instructor said.oh i got an email and clinical coordinator said its going to be on friday.got moved to tuesday(earlier today)finally! i studied like ive never studied before because failing is not an option! i failed last sem and now i am a semester behind because of that drug calc! but! i am sooooo happy i passed my drug calc test and got 20/20! :D:nurse:

dimensional analysis saved me! it applied to every problem and using this method, you get to see which units cancel out and what you are looking for!!!!!!!!i took a class in college of san mateo,studied the practice exam in our syllabus, went over the book(calculate with confidence,and another book) and did a lot of practice problems.whew! i feel very relieved,blessed,happy because now i can at least focus on med surg..so happppppy!;)

as a little treat,i ate with my bf and bought myself a grey crackle nail polish (i know,i know its not really allowed in nursing school but,ill take it off before next tuesday because tuesday is clinical day)..lol!:lol2:

Specializes in ER.

I LOVE dimensional analysis, BTW. I've gotten 100% on all of my dosage exams using this method. It's easy to learn and easy to use.

I agree... Dimensional Analysis rocks!!!

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