Dilemma: Stay as a CNA or become a PCT


Specializes in CTICU/CVICU.

Here's my dilemma. It's the summer between my first and 2nd year of nursing school. I work as a substitute teacher and also at a CNA (I'm a diploma-school student and I work as a nursing assistant at the hospital where my school is based). I've been there 8 months on the cardiac floor and I enjoy it (for the most part..lol). I work 2 shifts a week (as part-time) and now I'm able to work 1 day a week by doing a double (both shifts in a day). I'm also interested in working in the ER as a tech so I may get a chance to get trained there in phelebotomy and/or EKG. But, first I'm going to volunteer there just to make sure that's what I want to do. This hospital, I have a good rapport with one particular person in the nursing office and she's been able to help me out when I"ve had to switch days or something. So, I overall have a good experience with the hospital and am pretty confident that if a position is open after I graduate, I will not have too much trouble getting the position.

On the other hand, there's another hospital that is hiring for per diem patient care techs. They train you in phelebotomy. The floors they have positions on, I would love to work (cardiac, neuro, ICU). I would have to work 4 shifts a month, which is great. And the pay is much better than what I'm making now. I would LOVE to work at this hospital after graduation (so much so that I've applied for a program at this particular hospital where they would pay for the last year of school in exchange for me working for them after graduation). If I can start out as a tech and build a good relationship on my floor, and then work there..*sigh* But then again..what if I hate it there?

I would try to work both places, but 3 jobs is way too much (not going to leave substitute teaching. The money is way good and I love the flexibility with school).

So, if you were in this position, would you go with the devil you know...or the devil you don't?

I would apply for the PCT per diem job, and see how you feel about things from there. If this is the hospital that you would LOVE to work at after graduating, I think its a great way to get your foot in the door. Plus, you will get the chance to learn more skills that you may not have the opportunity to gain as a hospital assistant and I think that is invaluable if you are studying to be a nurse. As for that feeling of what if you hate it? After interviewing and being toured on the floor, I think you will know if there's any reason that you would hate it (ask about patient to nurse ratios, how many pts you will have in your section, what are the daily routines, what are some new skills they will be training you to learn, etc) However, know that per diem positions do not provide benefits so that is something you may need to consider.

PS. what did you like and dislike about the cardiac floor? I just got hired on either cardiac-telemetry or medsurg and am having a hard time figuring out what sorts of skills I will be able to learn on both as a PCT.

Specializes in CTICU/CVICU.

Yeah..you're right. Especially about the health benefits. If I get into the program where they pay for my schooling in exchange for work, then I won't bother doing the per diem tech position, because I'll already be guaranteed a job there. However, if I don't..I'm back to square 1. lol!

I'm still on the cardiac floor. I like it. It's fast-paced and I want to work in cardiac. So, I'm learning a lot, especially since the nurses know I'm a nursing student (wherever you end up, make sure the nurses know you're a nursing student and are willing to learn. They will be glad - or should be glad! - to show you some things and you can learn a lot).

On my floor, I've asked questions about the monitors and different rhythms so if possible, ask many questions! Between the two, I definitely would choose a telemetry floor over a basic medsurg floor..but that's me.

You will NOT know if you like it by a walk through. A new car is great too till you get the first ding and start to notice all the other things that are wrong, know what I mean?

I loved my floor when I first got hired as CNA. Then I found out why others left ! The regular CNA's would go hide, not show up, barely work. We were UNDER staffed more times then not and sometimes we would get a float.. guess who the floats were. Yup the same people that didn't work. That was Oncology, loved the RN's and Pt's but hated most of the CNA's

LOVED the ER !! 98% were Great to work with and willing to show you things. The ER Techs (pct 2) were good too except one........ it was obviously a cultural thing unfortunately :(

I would say that if you have the opportunity to work at 3 different places DO IT. Even if it is just for the summer. Get the experience and understand what makes one place better or worse then another.

Look at the Benefit package you can get with each for the long term.

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