Difference between DNP and MD/DO in arizona


Hi everyone

I have been contemplating a career between nursing and MD/DO. I really want to do something in family care. My question is what is the difference between MDs and DNPs in states like Arizona? I understand that in Arizona DNPs practice independently and do not need DOC approval. Is the only difference in salary? Can DNPs do EVERYTHING MD/DO can do when it comes to patient care?

Specializes in FNP, ONP.

What does the AZ NP practice act say?

I do not live in arizona, I just know that they are one of the more nurse friendly states. I am a 4th year biochem student.

It was actually an earlier post from you that made me think about nursing. You said that at your hospital there was NO difference

Specializes in FNP, ONP.

I don't live in AZ either, so I don't know off the top of my head. the NP practice act is available at the AZ BON website. If there is something in it that is confusing, I'd be glad to help clarify the practical meaning of the language if I can.

There are practical differences between NPs and physicians in every state, and no, no NP can hang a shingle and just do whatever they like. You are limited ny certification, licensure and the state practice act.

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