Dietitian to RN who wants to work in NICU


Hi all,

I just finished a dietetic internship program and am now just waiting to the exam to become a Registered Dietitian. I'm also currently completing a neonatal nutrition fellowship in a level III NICU. I absolutely adore the NICU and the more I have experience in the NICU, the more I think I want to work in the NICU as an RN. I love neonatal nutrition, which is obviously why I'm doing the fellowship, but I would like to have more hands on interaction with the babies and families and would love to learn more about the medical aspects of their care. I have also had experience in various PICUs throughout my internship, and I really like the PICU, too. I guess my question is twofold: (1) what would be the easiest route to transitioning from RD to RN [i was thinking of working as an RD and going to nursing school part time or doing an accelerated program or possibly direct entry master's program]; (2) what do you all think the main differences are between working in an NICU or a PICU? If I decide to go to nursing school, my eventual plan would be to get my NNP or PNP certification which is why I'm asking about the differences. I'm going to post this in the students area, too, just to get extra input!

Thanks so much!

Specializes in NICU.

Your best bet is an accelerated program to the into nursing in general. And then you'll have to cross your fingers that you get NICU or PICU job as they are very hard to come by right now (but hopefully will free up in the near future). I don't think it's necessary to worry about NP programs until you are at least done with your RN program but what I love about the NICU are the babies....which is why I stay away from PICU where you get allllll kinds of ages.

I understand how you feel. I'm an adult NP who is wanting to make the change to babies. I am lucky enough to be able to take some specialty courses in neonatology (even intubation on live animals) at Vanderbilt in September, so I am hoping that will let me get my foot in the door.

Sometimes, you just need a change. This is a big one, but I would like to apply to a NNP program one day. I can't wait. I want to be a neonatal nurse so badly! Jobs are indeed hard to come by, but hopefully our time will come soon. Good luck!

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