Published Sep 17, 2004
1 Post
This probably isn't the kind of post that those who frequent this forum are used to seeing but all those in the medical profession that can help will be greatly appreciated.
The company that I work for,, is currently building a new dictation/transcription service specifically geared towards hospitals, clinics, and other medical venues. We are trying to make the transition to our system as seamless as possible, but first we need to know a few things about the system that alot of you use on a daily basis.
If you dictate over a phone, we would like to know what some of the common phone pad codes are, so that we can use the same codes in our system. For instance "#" then "1" might begin a new dictation, or "#" then "2" might end the dictation.
On a side note, I want to thank all the nurses that go through, what I would consider "hell" on a daily basis. The world needs more people like you.
purplemania, BSN, RN
2,617 Posts
it is not the nurses who do the dictation, usually, but the MDs. You might contact a few medical records depts. in hospitals to get the info you need.