diabetics in small co jail


We have no keep on person meds. What do you do with both IDDM and NIDDM inmates who decide to stop blood sugar checks, meds, diet? Is having them sign against med advice forms and charting enough?

Specializes in ER, ARNP, MSN, FNP-BC.

It depends.......... they have a right to refuse. However, might not be a bad idea to get a psych eval. If they are competent and not under a DSM-IV diagnosis that is un-treated, that's all you can do.

Specializes in Psychiatric.

We also have to put them on a medical hold, which the inmates think of as being put in the hole. We don't really put them in ADSEG but we put them in the pod with suicide watches so the are locked down 23 hrs and are watched like the suicides. Charting is very important, if the IM is of sound mind they are likely manipulating.

Specializes in Corrections, Pediatrics, Adult Health ...

Even inmates have the right to refuse care and treatment. Make sure you have them sign all refusals and release of liability. Psych eval is not a bad idea. Try to encourage a little further testing. Diabetes can do a number on all organ systems ... if a patient's ammonia level rises, they are not considered competent enough to make decisions regarding their care ...

Just something to think about.

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