Published Jan 12, 2012
21 Posts
1 Post
Describe how the unique approach to learning at McMaster University will help your learning?
Mcmaster's approach to learning happens in two ways. First there is classroom learning using the PBL format; PBL stands for problem based learned and involves a small class of students with a teacher or facilitator running how the problem is looked at and what the exact problem is. This kind of learning I find helps engage the learner as you can talk through a problem, scenario or acute care situation without the pressure of time, failing your patient or fear of being sued if what you are thinking wouldn't fly in a real world setting.
The best part is that currently (and the curriculum is changing in the next year or so) once you enter your final year of the program you are given the opportunity to practice your leadership skills based on a teaching -learning theory as well as create your own scenarios that could be related to your clinical placement or may be a situation you saw happen and want further information on as well as be able to see how others would have reacted in this situation.
I find because we don't have the time to all have a placement in every area of nursing this allows for us to gain the needed knowledge to pass the RN exam as well as explore those clinical settings.