Depression and Nursing school



So I have been struggling with depression for about 6 months now. I didn't realize it until my husband and some of my co-workers pointed it out in the Army. I am seeking help and am on meds and trying to find a counselor. I have no energy at all I can't even find the energy someday to get out of bed let alone open my laptop. I go to class but I can't focus on anything at all. I am trying to figure out how I cope with school while I am dealing with this and working on myself? Should I let someone know at school? I don't feel like telling all of my professors what's going on when I can barely admit it to myself. I go to Chamberlain if anyone has any resources for them?

I'm sorry you are dealing with this. If you have a professor you are particularly close with, like a clinical instructor, I would consider being open with them. I don't know about Chamberlain, but the school I went to had counselors specific to nursing students if they needed help with anything, school-related or not. And personal advice, seek counseling/therapy. As someone who has experience with depression, therapy is the best thing I ever did. Best of luck.

Make finding a counselor/therapist your top priority. There are a variety of medications; if you are still so lethargic that you can't get out of bed some days, there might be something better suited to you. There are also behavioral techniques they can teach you, etc.

You are absolutely not alone, it only seems that way because of the stigma surrounding depression.

Best wishes.

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