Depressed!!! 2nd A&P test a flop!!

Nursing Students General Students


I have been sitting here crying over my 2nd A&P test which I got a 59% on. My first test was a 66%. I really thought I did better this time. I made flash cards, did the review sheet etc. My lab scores are good, I've had 3 A's and 1 B. The lab accounts for 1/4 of the grade. I don't know what to do. I have two more exams before the final withdrawal date. Maybe I can do well on those two exams enough to keep me afloat. If not I will have to drop and I may just return to my job and forget everything.

The stress is more than I want to handle. My husband tells me "well I guess you need to study more". What he doesn't realize is he is always telling me I stay up too late and then of course gets mad if he doesn't get attention as well as the two kids which I already feel like I am pushing them aside to do the studying.

I'm just not sure what to do, I have another exam next Thursday, maybe I will see that one goes.

Thanks for listening.

Deb - one more thing. On the first link I listed, once you get to the website, over on the right choose "online learning", then you can choose the subject you are studying right now. From there you can quiz yourself, or study certain areas....

Thank you everyone for your encouraging words. I am trying to remain positive about this and going to change the way I've been studying. I have another exam in a week so I hope to study differently and enough to come out with a decent grade. This site is a great place. It helps to talk with others who are in the same position or have been. Thanks so much.

good luck deb, you can do it! :)

How is everyone else doing on the test? If everyone is making terrible grades maybe the prof has a problem. I had a prof who always graded our papers wrong, all the students argued with him and finally he agreed to change our grades. He said he used the grading guides in the book but they were wrong! We (the students) would spend hours looking up page numbers in our textbook and showing him the correct answers. The people who were missing questions were getting higher grades than those who chose the correct answer. We nagged at him and complained and most of us got A's in the class. He was too lazy to look up the correct answers himself. He still teaches there and is doing the same thing. You have a right to check to make sure the tests are being graded correctly. This prof then stopped handing the tests back to us because he didn't want to argue with us. We complained to the program director. We all got A's if we had perfect attendance. I was ready to sue the guy. Go over the test with your prof. It is your right to have a copy.

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