Denver School of Nursing--BSN experience


Hi there,

I'm starting this thread for people interested in the Denver School of Nursing. I'm starting the BSN program in Oct 2006, and I'm going to try and post regularly to give new/prospective students an idea of what to expect.


--Mary West


What I know so far:

The first quarter schedule is INTENSE. My schedule is:

Mon: 10-4

Tues: off

Weds: 9-5 (This is an ALL DAY lab.)

Thurs: 8-5:30

Fri: 9-3:30

Every day has an hour for lunch scheduled, but otherwise no breaks between classes. The classes we're taking are: Basic Pharmacology Concepts (I've been warned this class is really hard), Pathophysiology, and Foundations of Nursing/Lab. The quarter is 11 weeks long. We don't have clinicals the first quarter.

They want us to buy four books. After I get them I'll post how much they cost (I'm probably going to Big Dog textbooks like everyone else.)

Our orientation is Sept 25th from 9-1, and it is mandatory. I'll post again if I learn anything useful.

Hi Ladies, my sister is interested in getting her RN-BSN, she has been looking at Denver School of Nursing but I remember a professor at CU (my alma mater), told me that the school was not accredited and at any moment the RN and degree could be invalid. I have taken a good look at the website and I think the school looks great, and is perfect for my sister however I don't want her to run into the problem of an accreditation issue while job hunting. Can any of you tell me if this has been an issue for you? Do you worry about how it will affect you when you are job hunting? I know they enroll A LOT of people, so that is why I am so perplexed about why they aren't accredited. I would also appreciate it so much if any of you have actually spoken to recruiters and they have been wary of DSN.

I went to school at CU for nursing, and at my current employer the recruiters are unfamiliar with DSN that is why I ask, but they did say non-accreditation raises red flags.

Thank you so much in advance for answering my questions! ;)

It's true that DSN is not accredited. That doesn't mean they won't ever be. The school has only been around for two years, and they are seeking accreditation. In the interim, they are approved by the Colorado State Board of Nursing (who'd I call/visit the website--they've got lots of info) to award diplomas. Once you've graduated, you can take the NCLEX, and once you have your license, that's all that matters.

So as long as she's not planning on transferring schools or going into the military, it would be a good school. I've been enjoying it (although there have been some start-of-term issues), and I would recommend the school.

Alright folks, scary truth time.

We had four tests in the first two weeks, and most of us didn't do as well as we had hoped on them. The work load is overwhelming, and your teachers expect a lot out of you.

You also will want to brush up on your basic math skills (fractions, decimals, roman numerals, etc.) Make sure you know how to add, subtract, multiply, divide, convert, etc. You must be able to use these skills to stay in the Pharmacy Calculations class. Start now, and that will be one less thing to learn when you're in school.

Also, dig out your old science books. My PathoPhysiology teacher has said at least 10-15 times, "Remember this from physiology? Remember this from Microbiology?" And if you don't, too bad, class is moving on. (The teachers are all more than willing to work with you privately if you're struggling.)

All that said--you CAN DO THIS! Just be aware that nursing school is a lot harder then the college you might be used to. Warn your friends and family that you're going to turn your phone off for two years.

Oh, and one more thing. You might be the only guy in your class. We love our token guy for putting up with the insane amounts of estrogen in that classroom every day.

Thank you so much for posting your experiences. I just found this site and have been reading your postings.

I am graduating in may with a Bachelor of Sciences in Journalism and Mass Communication from a colorado university. During an internship at CBS I realized that television journalism wasn't for me. I have worked as a medical assistant throughout college and recently got the confidence from the doctor I work for to go to nursing school. As a child, my grandmother and all four of my aunts were nurses, they used to let me go into the nursery where they sometimes worked, since then I always wanted to care for others.

I am going to be taking my pre-reqs at Denver Metropolitan University this fall, but wanted to ask the original poster what getting into DSN was like? They are my #1 choice right now, I also plan to apply to the Regis Accelerated program, the Metro accelerated progam, and University of Colorado Health sciences. I have excellent grades, and am graduating magna cum laude from my university so I think that gives me a competitive edge. However, I am a non-traditional student and am married with a two year old son. From the research I've done DSN seems the most Non-traditional friendly and innovative. To the OP: Did you just have to do the pre-reqs and the interview, or what do you think gave you the competitive edge to get in? I am applying to the upper division baccaulerate degree because of my previous degree but I am sure the admission requirements have some consistancy across the board. Do you mind elaborating on their acceptance practices?

Thank you so much, and keep poting I am enjoying it tremendously.


Hi NW,

At least right now, getting into DSN is easy. They don't have a very long waiting list (at most one quarter, but you can apply while finishing your last semester of pre-reqs.) As long as you've completed the pre-reqs with a "C" or better, they'll let you in.

I'm glad you're enjoying the postings. I know lots of us who are currently attending were frustrated by the lack of information out there. (DSN is only two years old, and they're having lots of administrative growing pains.)


From the research I've done DSN seems the most Non-traditional friendly and innovative.


Just curious, what have you learned that leads you to believe DSN is the most non-tradional friendly? I too am married and have a couple of kids and thinking about DSN.

I found that the Denver School of Nursing is more family friendly because of the school schedule. Also, I don't have the money or the time to wait on a waitinglist-- I need to get started on my career to support my family, the fact that DSN does not maintain waiting lists is VERY family friendly because it allows us to get started and thus finished as soon as possible. The price is also reasonable, whereas Regis, Metro and CU are going to run 35,000 to 45,000 dollars and beyond, DSN is reasonably priced in the upper 20,000 dollar range. I would encourage you to call the admissions office, I called and they were so kind and informative. Hope that helps!


Just for the record--DSN doesn't offer night classes anymore. The other down side that I see is that federal financial aid isn't available. Also, DSN DOES have a waiting list (I was on the list for awhile), they're just much shorter because of the tuition difficulties.

I'm only pointing that out because if you're thinking about applying a few years down the line, keep in mind that when the school becomes eligible for Stafford loans and the like, the waiting lists are probably going to get much, much, longer.

I am aware of the fact that DSN doesn't have night classes anymore, that wasn't what I was referring to. I work nights so the week day, dayside schedule works better for my family.

I spoke to the admissions office two weeks ago so I hope you realize my post was based upon *my* situation and why it's family friendly for me. Certainly people who work 9-5 will have larger difficulties.

I was also well aware that DSN doesn't offer fed. financial aid because in my undergrad I worked financial aid as a work study for 2 years. But I also became extremely familiar with Sallie Mae, so that option is okay for me, and for others. Certainly, my post's reference to price is still a point to be taken.

Furthermore, I am applying in 2008, DSN isn't likely to gain accreditation in a year, so I think I'll be okay. I was trying to offer the poster why I am choosing the school, all of which still stand.

I scanned my posts and I don't think I've mentioned this before--buy a stethascope. While the school has ones you can use in lab, it is EXTREMELY helpful if you have one of your own to practice with. We did head-to-toe assessments today (my lab partner decided I had a purulent belly button!) and having one really came in handy.

Also, I've heard some scuttlebutt that the PharmCalc class might be online next quarter (for better or worse.) Just throwing that out there.


One more thing. I noticed earlier that I said parking was a challenge, and it still is, but there's a lot on the northeast corner of 20th and Market that's only $3/day. If you're willing to walk even further, you might be able to find even cheaper lots.

We did a flu shot clinic today. It was volunteer, but I HIGHLY recommend going to one if you get the chance once you're in school. You get lots of practice (about four hours worth today) of giving IM shots. (Plus, we all got free flu shots!)

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