Delivering in Grand Junction, CO


I'm just curious if anyone has had any experience with this:

My bf's sister is going to deliver in Grand Junction this October. What is the state of the hospitals there? I'm curious if anyone has any experience delivering in Grand Junction. Her mom is concerned about quality of service, what level NICU's are available in the area. If the baby should have problems and there isn't a level II or III NICU around, how far would they have to travel if all didn't go well?

We aren't looking for problems, just want to be well prepared. If anyone knows of any links to hospitals, I'd love to see them. I've also posted this to the Colorado Nurses forum.

Thanks for your replies!

I have not heard much, but...

I lived in Denver for a while and we had a IIINicu. We got the occasional transfer from GJ. I do not know if this was pt request, but I doubt it. I believe GJ has a IINICU and the III's would come to us. But,I only floated at L&D there, and not that often. Sorry I couldn't be of much help.:rolleyes:

There are 2 hospitals in G.J., St. Mary's & Community. I don't anything about the the latter one, but the former, in general, provides excellent care, IMHO. I don't know what level nursery it has, and I couldn't find the info on their webpage. I have a feeling if the baby is REAL sick or premature, they would end up in Denver. At my hospital, I believe we tend to ship to PSL (Presbyterian St. Lukes) in Denver. This question should be asked by your brother & his S.O. when they attend their prenatal/labor classes. BTW, why does her mother have these concerns?

There are 2 hospitals in G.J., St. Mary's & Community. I don't anything about the the latter one, but the former, in general, provides excellent care, IMHO. I don't know what level nursery it has, and I couldn't find the info on their webpage. I have a feeling if the baby is REAL sick or premature, they would end up in Denver. At my hospital, I believe we tend to ship to PSL (Presbyterian St. Lukes) in Denver. This question should be asked by your brother & his S.O. when they attend their prenatal/labor classes. BTW, why does her mother have these concerns?

Thanks for the information, Thanatos. I did get on the website for St. Mary's and they sound like they are pretty good. They at least have a level II NICU, and that should be good enough. Mom is in excellent health as far as I know, and really, there shouldn't be any surprises. I'm sure that she will do just fine.

In answer to your last question, her mom is a natural worry wort, butting her way into situations that she shouldn't be involved in. It's one thing to be concerned for her daughter, but she's bringing up some pretty rare concerns. She's asking me my opinions (I'm only a doula!) about when she should give up driving. I told her that her daughter needs to ask her PCP for this pregnancy. I did tell her that if she feels like it, she could drive herself to the hospital for the delivery! :) Of course, she'll have her hubby, but if everything is going A-OK, she shouldn't really have the change her daily living activities. If she wants to drive, do so! If she wants to swim, go ahead... that's an awesome exercise for pregnant moms - I highly recommend an aquatics program. In fact, I had written one for use when I was teaching water aerobics. It was a water aerobics class for pregnant moms. I spent so much time and research on it, but my control freak boss thought that she should teach it... after I spent so much time on it. She took full credit for it. :angryfire But she left out some components that my clients would have loved, and her class didn't last.

But I digress. Her mom just has her fingers in everyone's pie. I will meet my bf's sister in a few weeks. Once we have a rapport established, I might get the chance to tell her just to listen to herself, and most importantly, her OB. Her mom just looks for problems, and looks at the class as half empty. I'm getting closer to my bf's mom, we've had a lot of struggles lately. The relationship is getting better, but she has a pessimistic outlook on life. :o

She is really looking forward to this grandbaby though, and I'm happy for her.

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